
Chicken in Milk

Bloggers always seem to have a story to tell. There's always something to tell, to share and to write about. But today is an exception for me. I'm not feeling well and I'm not in the mood to tell a story *sorry*. My kids have been sick for 5 days and I didn't have much time for internet. To all my friends, thanks for dropping by.

When I saw this recipe, I raised my eyebrows ;). Chicken in Milk?? Never had it before, usually I cooked chicken with coconut milk or cream. I was so curious and wanted to give it a try.

Chicken in Milk

And heyyyy.....who would have thought this combination would work? So easy to do. The chicken was tender and the sauce was flavourful. It's a very aromatic dish.

But I wasn't pretty satisfied because I put too much sage on it :(. The rest was good!

Chicken in Milk
source : Jamie Oliver

Chicken in Milk

Ingredients :
•1 x 1.5k/ 3½lb organic chicken (dita-I used chicken legs)
• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 115g/4oz or ½ a pack of butter
• olive oil
• 1/2 cinnamon stick
• 1 good handful of fresh sage, leaves picked (dita-I used dried sage)
• zest of 2 lemons
• 10 cloves of garlic, skin left on
• 565ml/1 pint milk

Got Milk?

Directions :
Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/gas 5, and find a snug-fitting pot for the chicken. Season it generously all over, and fry it in the butter and a little olive oil, turning the chicken to get an even colour all over, until golden. Remove from the heat, put the chicken on a plate, and throw away the oil and butter left in the pot. This will leave you with tasty sticky goodness at the bottom of the pan which will give you a lovely caramelly flavour later on.

Put your chicken back in the pot with the rest of the ingredients, and cook in the preheated oven for 1½ hours. Baste with the cooking juice when you remember. The lemon zest will sort of split the milk, making a sauce which is absolutely fantastic.

To serve, pull the meat off the bones and divide it on to your plates. Spoon over plenty of juice and the little curds. Serve with wilted spinach or greens and some mashed potato.


  1. cepet sembuh buat dua krucils yg lucu-lucu, semoga setelah ini selalu diberikan kesehatan dan dijauhkan dari penyakit, amin

    gue lumayan sering masak ayam pake susu Dit, biar agak sehat gitu :D

    eh btw, dirimu juga jaga kesehatan yak... cuaca lagi gak asik nih, disini kita masih pake pullover atau jaket *Juli gitu loh, masih dingin*

  2. nambah ahhhhh :)
    itu foto yg terakhir, foto susu-nya cakep bener... keren!

  3. makasih ya, Fa. HAri ini sih udah mendingan. Cuman masih males aja ngapa2in. Di sini udah makin panas Fa, udah merapat ke 50 derajat.

    makasih buat foto susuna.

  4. waa asik nih, susu pake ayam :D, gue suka bikin kare juga pake susu :P..endang juga daripada santen bow apalagi musim panas kayak gini, cepet banget basinya :(((

    sukur dit udah pada sembuh, suka binun kalo anak sakit :D..

  5. Wah, nggak bisa ngebayaning panas sampe 50 derajat gitu. Semoga cepet baikan dan sehat kembali ya buat putrinya yg cantik2. Pernah juga nyobain opor dimasak pake susu gitu yg bikin bule jerman yg dulu pernah lama tinggal di Indonesia, lumayan enak juga, gurihnya memang masih nendang santen siy.

  6. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Never had it like this, sounds intrueging!
    A friend of ours did marinate his chicken breasts in milk and it made them very soft and tender.

    Sorry to here you and your family are not feeling well, hope you feel better soon!

  7. cepet sembuh ya mak, jg buat krucils yang lutuw.

    jadi pengen nyoba juga bikin ayam pake susu. pasti endang.

  8. mang kenapa si bocah?
    get well soon deh,biar mami back to happy.
    btw gue juga suka si jamie, ini resep blom gue liat,,i bakalan coba deh.

  9. baru liat lagi, ternyata panggangnya lama banget 1 1/2 jam?? jadi ayamnya keriuk2 gitu dit?

  10. get well soon. Hope the girls will back to play along

  11. Chicken looks delicious!

    Did you get rid of the milk curds? I tried roasting pork in milk and the milk broke. It looked unappetizing so I didn't know what to do with it.

  12. wah bs klepek-2 kl panase segitu..
    Om Jamie aku jg suka acaranya.. si bibir ndomble kl ngomong ampe ngeweh-2 gitu malahan ketok sexy.. merah merona bibirnya.. skg kok tambah gendut ya.. kebanyakan makan enak sih

    back to ur ciken... aku jg pernah masak ciken pk susu, emang ga segurih santen tp tetep wenak :)

  13. Lokoks wonderful! Hope you and the kids feel beter soon

  14. Hi, It looks like you cooked lemon slices with the chicken. I don't see that step on recipe. I am going to try this soon. Looks amazing girl. Thanks, Melissa

  15. Elsye : kalo pake susu, kare ala londo ya, Sye ;). Iya udah baikan semua kok, tinggal gue masih diare :P

    Retno : jangan dibandingin makanan yang harusnya pake santen trus dibikin pake susu pasti rasanya bakal sedikit beda :D, mending bikin menu yang beda sekalian yg emang pake susu :P

  16. Linda : yes, many people said that marinate chicken with milk will make the chicken tender :). Thanks Linda.

    Mindy : makasih Ndoel. Coba deh, tapi jangan kebanyakan sage kayak gue, atau malah diskip aja. Aroma jadi dominan si sage.

  17. Foni : tauk nih musim panas keparat! :D si arwen muntaber, leia flu, gue kayak arwen, diare tapi gak pake muntah2. Tauk deh pada salah makan apa, padahal gak pernah jajan2. Soal manggang disesuain ajalah, tergantung kompor lo juga kan, beda kompor beda panas. Itu patokan doang kok. Gue sendiri lupa sampe brapa lama, tapi kayaknya sih sampe 1 jam lebih juga.

    Ambar : makasih tante Ambar

    Ayin : iya gue kalo liat mas Jamie itu perasaan kok badannya gak sehat gitu ya.

  18. JS : nope, I didn't get rid the milk curds. I like the way it tastes ;).

    Leslie : thank you, dear.

    Melissa : it's not in the step but I modified it. Just don't put too much lemon or it will get bitter.

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    i was pretty hesitant myself when i saw this recipe but after i tried it -- roast chicken in milk is awesome, that's what i thought! this looks great. x

  20. This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing this recipe! :)

  21. Oh, honey! I'm so sorry to hear that they are sick! Poor girls!
    I'm sending all of you lots of hugs all the way from here. I hope they get better soon.

  22. well, if chicken in coconut milk works, why not chicken in cow's milk? hee hee hee

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Duh... moga cepet sembuh krucilsnya, ayamnya keliatan enakkkk banget :)

  24. Endang kliatannya..
    50 derajat? Waduh males banget keluar rumah..
    Mending masak ajah di dapur hehehe...

  25. I am going to have to try the chicken in milk, it looks so good on that plate.

  26. You should really write a book I am simply blowing my family away with all your wonderful recipes, I just had to leave you a comment, thanks my husband really appreciates all the different flavors I am giving him all thanks to you.

  27. I was looking for chicken in milk recipe and I found your blog!! You have not nice blog and photos! Need to browse through!!!


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