Homemade Ferrero Rocher
Sejak bikin green tea truffles, saya jadi ketagihan bikin jenis truffles yang lain. Waktu ke supermarket liat ferrero rocher langsung kepikiran untuk bikin sendiri. Setelah googling, saya lihat yang kira-kira rasanya hampir mendekati kayaknya resepnya si Ellie Almost Bourdain. Iseng-iseng nge-twit, eh Arfi juga mau ikutan bikin dan ternyata Pepy juga bikin. Ayo siapa lagi mau ikutan?
Setelah saya hitung-hitung ternyata resep Ellie agak boros Nutella, akhirnya saya memutuskan bikin pake ganache coklat hazelnut aja. Coklatnya saya pakai Hazelnut Chocolate dari LINDT.
Wiihhh ternyata bener dugaan saya, walopun bentuknya gak persis sama dengan ferrero rocher tapi rasanya gak kalah deh. Dengan biaya yang ekonomis, saya bisa bikin ferrero rocher KW 1 :D.
Homemade Ferrero Rocher
inspirasi : Ellie Almost Bourdain
Bahan-bahan :
450 g hazelnut wafer biscuits, hancurkan
400gr Lindt Hazelnut Chocolate, yang di dalamnya sudah terkandung butiran kacang hazelnut
1/2 cup whipped cream (whc)
200gr dark chocolate + 100gr milk chocolate (untuk coating)
Cara membuat :
1. Taruh wafer yang sudah hancur dalam wadah, sisihkan.
2. Panaskan 1/2 cup whc, setelah mendidih tuang ke dalam potongan-potongan hazelnut chocolate. Aduk hingga cair semuanya.
3. Tuang coklat cair tadi ke dalam wadah yang berisi wafer. Aduk-aduk hingga rata dan seluruh wafer terbalut coklat.
4. Pulungi membentuk bola-bola coklat. Kemudian dinginkan dalam kulkas hingga set.
5. (Coating) Cairkan coklat pada double boiler. Angkat.
6. Gulingkan bola-bola coklat pada coklat cair. Biarkan kaku di dalam kulkas.
7. Kemudian susun di wadah-wadah kertas.
Green Tea Truffles
Dapet kiriman green tea powder dari temen saya mbak Dewi Setiani...wiihhh girangnya bukan main. Soalnya di Kuwait gak ada yang jual. Langsung deh kalap mau bikin ini itu. Tiramisu lah, es krim lah, chiffon cake lah, dll. Gak lama, Arfi cerita lagi bikin green tea truffles, lah kok kebeneran banget. Langsung deh nodong resepnya :).
Saya sebenernya bukan penggemar coklat putih *coklat kok putih, coklat ya coklat*. Waktu liat resep ini saya agak gak peduli dengan bahan dasarnya yang menggunakan coklat putih. Karena udah keburu mikir bakalan ada campuran bubuk green tea-nya.
Waktu nungguin bekunya gak sabar banget, karena pingin buru-buru ngerasain. Penasaran aja sama rasanya. Saat ngerasain pertama kali...nyusssss itu coklat lumer banget di mulut. OH MY G.O.D!!! Suwerrr enak banget!! Sampai saya nulis post ini, saya udah 3 kali bikin. Oh iya, favorit saya, yang coatingnya cuman pake coklat bubuk. Karena rasa pahit coklat bisa menetralisir manisnya coklat putih.
Gak percaya? coba deh bikin!
Green Tea Truffles
inspirasi : Homemades by Arfi
Bahan-bahan :
1/4 cup whipped cream cair (whc)
1/4 sdt bubuk green tea
200 gr coklat putih (saya pakai LINDT), potong-potong kecil
Cara membuat :
1. Panaskan whc hingga berbuih,campur bubuk green tea, aduk rata.
2. Matikan api, tuang whc panas ke dalam wadah berisi potongan-potongan coklat (nuangnya disaring ya biar gak ada bubuk green tea yang bergerindil). Aduk rata hingga coklat mencair seluruhnya.
3. Bekukan dalam kulkas sampai bisa dipulung atau sampai set/kaku.
4. Keluarkan dari kulkas, pulungi berbentuk bola-bola kecil. Gulingkan dalam bubuk coklat.
KBB#20 : Kue Bangket
Kue Bangket? Gimana pula itu rasanya? Sering denger, tapi kayaknya belum pernah makan deh. Yang kebayang kok kayak semprit sagu atau satru atau sagon. Terus terang agak agak meyepelekan rasanya. Gatau deh, lagi gak mood nyemil kue-kue tradisional Indonesia yang manis-manis beraroma santan atau pandan. Tapi lama-lama penasaran juga karena orang-orang heboh banget sama kue yang satu ini. Setelah ngeliat resep dari surat cinta KBB#20, saya pilih resep kue bangket kacang daripada bangket susu, dengan pertimbangan, bangket kacang pasti gak terlalu manis dan ada rasa gurih kacangnya.
Karena lagi susah dapat kacang tanah, saya pake kacang mede. Waktu lagi manggang kacang mede pake acara agak gosong pulak, makanya hasil kue-nya jadi lebih coklat. Kacang mede memang lebih banyak mengandung minyak, apalagi yang udah dipanggang/sangrai, dan saya lupa faktor itu, makanya waktu nuang minyak gak kira-kira, bukannya sedikit-sedikit sesuai kebutuhan tapi langsung sesuai resep. Udah gitu disambi motret prosesnya pulak *multitasking baker...LOL*. Jadilah adonannya basah banget, padahal temen-temen bilang adonan bakal mawur-mawur. Dipanggang 1,5 jam gak kering-kering.
Setelah tweeting dengan @Arfibee, @p3nnylan3 dan @elsyesur akhirnya dapet masukan sah-sah aja nambahin tepung lagi, apalagi kata Elsye, adonan kue bangket ini gak rewel. Akhirnya sisa adonan saya simpan semalaman dan esok paginya lanjut dengan menambahkan tepung terigu dan garem lebih banyak dari resep (biar ada hint rasa asinnya). Eh, bener juga, ternyata memang karena adonan terlalu basah. Setelah jadi...wih gak perlu ngunyah langsung lumer di mulut, rapuh banget kue-nya :). Gak sampe 2 hari toples langsung kosong song song.
Bangket Kacang
•750 kg terigu, sangrai
•500 gr kacang tanah kupas
•400-500 gr gula halus
•500 ml-600 ml minyak goreng
•1 sdt garam
Cara membuat:
1. Sangrai/panggang kacang tanah lalu blender halus. Bisa juga masih ada kasar-kasarnya sedikit.
2. Campur terigu + kacang + gula halus + garam. Masukkan minyak sayur sedikit-sedikit hingga semua tercampur rata,
3. Bulatkan adonan lk 10 gr, lalu pencet perlahan bulatan dengan garpu (karena adonan gampang pecah).
4. Bakar dengan api kecil 140-150 derajat Celsius sekitar 20 menit.
5. Angkat kukis ini jangan pada saat panas.
Seminggu berlalu dan temen-temen kasak-kusuk soal bangket susu. Deng deng deng!!! Kemakan obrolan akhirnya penasaran berat pengen coba, padahal jatah kuota belanja bahan baking udah habis. Yaaaa namanya juga penasaran, akhirnya belanja bahan-bahannya deh tuh.
Saya cuman bikin 1/2 resep dan nambahin keju parmesan kurang lebih 1/3 cup. Wah ternyata bangket susu ini lebih mawur lagi, agak-agak tricky pas nyetaknya. Kalo bangket kacang bisa dicetak pake tangan, bangket susu ini musti pake cetakan. Bongkar-bongkar lemari nyari apa yang bisa dijadiin cetakan. Akhirnya pake cetakan bulet dari decoration set-nya WILTON. Wiii...ternyata lama ya bok nyetak satu-satu. Waktu dipanggang, wangi kejunya lebih dominan...yummy!!!
Dan akirnya saya tahu kenapa orang-orang ribut banget sama bangket susu. Ternyata oh ternyata memang lembut dan lumer banget di mulut. Apalagi ditambahin keju, makan 5 pun gak cukup :D.
Bangket Susu
• 500 gr sagu
• 100 gr margarine
• 150 gr gula halus
• 75 gr susu kental manis
Cara membuat:
1. Sagu disangrai dengan daun pandan, dinginkan.
2. Campur semua bahan.
3. Cetak menggunakan cetakan kue satu.
4. Bakar dengan api kecil (140 derajat Celcius) selama lk 10 menit.
5. Angkat kukis tidak pada saat panas. Karena kue ini texturnya rapuh sekali, angkatnya harus dengan kasih sayang, atur di toples, jangan diangkat lagi, kecuali mau dimakan.
(Indonesian Food) Panada - Manadonese Fried Bread Stuffed with Spicy Tuna
Panada dengan isi tuna pedas siapa yang nolak? :). Thanks for sharing ya, Pep. Definitely gonna bookmark this recipe.
-Manadonese Tuna Stuffed Bread/Pastry-
source : Pepy P.Nasution
recipe by Yasa Boga and Ellen, modified by Pepy
250 g bread flour
25 mL lukewarm water
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
80 - 90 mL coconut milk
1 tbsp margarine/butter, melted
1 egg, lightly beaten
a pinch of salt
1. Add sugar into 25 mL luke warm water and sprinkle the yeast over. Let stand for 5 minutes or until its foamy.
2. In a bowl mix flour and make hole in the centre. Add egg, butter and yeast mixture, knead while pouring in coconut milk a little at a time until the dough elastic and not sticking to the bowl and hand.
3. Shape batter into large balls and put into a bowl covered with a damp napkin or a piece of plastic. Leave for 1-2 hours in a warm place until the dough rises.
4. Punch the dough and start to stir with hand again, divide by 10 - 15 and make balls. Let stand for 15 minutes.
5. Roll each piece 1/2 cm thick. Put over the pastry maker. Make sure that the pastry dough is slightly larger than the pastry maker.
6. Put a tablespoonful of filling on the center. Slowly fold the pastry maker and then press a bit firmly to seal the edges. Open carefully halfway and take out your panada. Repeat until you finished all. Let stand for 15 minutes and pinch the edge one more time with a fork, so the filling will not be popping out before deep fry.
7. Fry them. Do not use very hot oil but medium heat to deep fry so the skin still smooth without bubbles.
For filling
Cakalang Pampis
- Manadonese Skipjack Tuna Floss -
source : Pepy P.Nasution
• 200 g broiled cakalang meat (You can substitute for canned tuna in water and drain)
• 1 pandan leaf, finely sliced
• 3 kaffir lime leaves, discard the midrib and slice finely
• 30 lemon basil leaves, coarsely sliced
• 1 daun tebal/bangun-bangun/Coleus amboinicus Lour, finely sliced (Since this herb has an oregano-like flavour, I substituted for 1 tbsp dry oregano)
• 2 lemongrass, take the white parts and crushed (I used 1/3 cup frozen minced lemongrass)
• 250 mL thick coconut milk (I used a combination creamed coconut and coconut water)*
Ground Spices:
• 4 long red cayenne peppers
• bird eye chilies (I don't put the amount as some people have different palette to handle heat. If you want to skip it, it's your call)
• 3 cm long ginger, scrape off the skin with a spoon
• 5 shallots (I used 3 of the bigger size shallots)
• 2 cloves garlics
• ½ teaspoon salt
1. In a pot, combine coconut cream and coconut water; bring to a boil.
2. Add ground spices and reboil until bubbling. Add cakalang, pandan, oregano and kaffir lime leaves. Let them cook for 10 minutes. Add lemongrass and lemon basil. Stir and cook until everything is dry. Leave to cool if you want to use them for panada. Scoop over the warm cooked rice if you want to enjoy with rice.
Asians also love to enjoy floss with the bread.
-Manadonese Tuna Stuffed Bread/Pastry-
source : Pepy P.Nasution
recipe by Yasa Boga and Ellen, modified by Pepy
250 g bread flour
25 mL lukewarm water
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
80 - 90 mL coconut milk
1 tbsp margarine/butter, melted
1 egg, lightly beaten
a pinch of salt
1. Add sugar into 25 mL luke warm water and sprinkle the yeast over. Let stand for 5 minutes or until its foamy.
2. In a bowl mix flour and make hole in the centre. Add egg, butter and yeast mixture, knead while pouring in coconut milk a little at a time until the dough elastic and not sticking to the bowl and hand.
3. Shape batter into large balls and put into a bowl covered with a damp napkin or a piece of plastic. Leave for 1-2 hours in a warm place until the dough rises.
4. Punch the dough and start to stir with hand again, divide by 10 - 15 and make balls. Let stand for 15 minutes.
5. Roll each piece 1/2 cm thick. Put over the pastry maker. Make sure that the pastry dough is slightly larger than the pastry maker.
6. Put a tablespoonful of filling on the center. Slowly fold the pastry maker and then press a bit firmly to seal the edges. Open carefully halfway and take out your panada. Repeat until you finished all. Let stand for 15 minutes and pinch the edge one more time with a fork, so the filling will not be popping out before deep fry.
7. Fry them. Do not use very hot oil but medium heat to deep fry so the skin still smooth without bubbles.
For filling
Cakalang Pampis
- Manadonese Skipjack Tuna Floss -
source : Pepy P.Nasution
• 200 g broiled cakalang meat (You can substitute for canned tuna in water and drain)
• 1 pandan leaf, finely sliced
• 3 kaffir lime leaves, discard the midrib and slice finely
• 30 lemon basil leaves, coarsely sliced
• 1 daun tebal/bangun-bangun/Coleus amboinicus Lour, finely sliced (Since this herb has an oregano-like flavour, I substituted for 1 tbsp dry oregano)
• 2 lemongrass, take the white parts and crushed (I used 1/3 cup frozen minced lemongrass)
• 250 mL thick coconut milk (I used a combination creamed coconut and coconut water)*
Ground Spices:
• 4 long red cayenne peppers
• bird eye chilies (I don't put the amount as some people have different palette to handle heat. If you want to skip it, it's your call)
• 3 cm long ginger, scrape off the skin with a spoon
• 5 shallots (I used 3 of the bigger size shallots)
• 2 cloves garlics
• ½ teaspoon salt
1. In a pot, combine coconut cream and coconut water; bring to a boil.
2. Add ground spices and reboil until bubbling. Add cakalang, pandan, oregano and kaffir lime leaves. Let them cook for 10 minutes. Add lemongrass and lemon basil. Stir and cook until everything is dry. Leave to cool if you want to use them for panada. Scoop over the warm cooked rice if you want to enjoy with rice.
Asians also love to enjoy floss with the bread.
Indonesian Food,
Choux Pastry - Kue Sus
Bikin kue sus itu kadang suka bikin gemes. Bahan-bahannya gampag dan simple banget, tapi kalo salah treatment bisa mingpes binti kempes tuh kue.
Ternyata ada triknya loh bikin kue sus anti kempes dan mengembang dengan cantik.
Kue Sus
(Sumber: Milis DapurBunda)
130 gr Tepung Terigu Cakra Kembar
1 sdt garam
100 gr margarine
4 butir telur
250 ml air
Cara Membuat:
1. Air, garam dan margarine dimasak sampai mendidih.
2. Masukkan tepung, aduk sampai matang dan tercampur rata. Biarkan hingga adonan agak hangat.
3. Panaskan oven 200 derajat Celcius. Masukkan telur ke dalam adonan tepung satu persatu sambil terus diaduk atau dimikser sampai rata dan halus.
4. Semprotkan atau sendokkan ke atas loyang kue kering beralas kertas roti/silikon. Panggang selama kurang lebih 25 menit. Angkat.
5. Isi sesuai selera.
Biasanya biar makin cantik, bagian atasnya saya oles kuning telur.
Nah ini ada tips dari mbak Riana Pennylane
(saya kutip dari blog beliau)
"Resep kulit sus ini yang paling enak so far menurut saya sih. Merekah cantik, ‘menul-menul’, dan gampang banget bikinnya!
Selama manggang, oven jangan dibuka-buka ya. Nanti dia gak mau kokoh kulitnya.
Timing yang tepat sangat penting untuk ngedapetin kulit yang kokoh dan gak melembek ketika dingin. Kalo udah lewat 25 menit di permukaan kue masih ada mentega berbuih-buih, jangan dikeluarkan dulu dari oven. Tunggu sampe udah gak ada buih mentega lagi yang keluar, baru angkat kue dari oven.
Setelah dikeluarkan dari oven, segera pindahkan kue sus ke rak kawat, supaya bagian bawahnya gak beruap dan malah jadi lembek. Kalo gak ada rak kawat, yah gimana kek caranya supaya bagian bawahnya tuh bisa kontak langsung sama udara.
Tusuk-tusuk kue sus dengan tusuk gigi di beberapa tempat setelah dikeluarkan dari oven untuk memudahkan keluarnya uap air.
Cara mengisi kue sus: gunting dikit kulitnya, semprotkan isi dengan menggunakan plastik segitiga. Sruuutt….!"
Ikutin nasehat beliau kalo mau kue susnya berhasil :)
Untuk filling, saya juga mengandalkan resep vla napoleonnya mbak Riana. Gak bisa pindah ke lain hati, selalu pake resep ini.
(Sumber: Fatmah Bahalwan, modified by: Riana)
Bahan :
800cc susu
100gr gula kastor (modified. Original recipe: 200 gr)
5 btr kuning telur
50 grm tepung maizena
100 cc whipped cream
1 sdm mentega tawar
5 sdm Rhum/Brandy (optional)
Cara membuat:
- Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, sisihkan. Kocok kuning telur dengan garpu, cairkan dengan sedikit susu, sisihkan.
- Didihkan Susu dan gula, masukkan campuran maizena, aduk rata, kecilkan api.
- ‘Pancing’ larutan kuning telur dengan sedikit adonan susu panas (lihat Note), lalu masukkan larutan kuning telur ke dalam campuran susu, aduk rata.
- Masukkan whipping cream, aduk lagi dan didihkan sekali lagi.
- Angkat dari api, masukkan 1 sdm mentega, aduk hingga mentega leleh dan tercampur rata (permukaan vla jadi mengkilat).
- Aduk hingga uapnya hilang, masukkan Rhum/Brandy (kalo pakai). Dinginkan.
Ternyata ada triknya loh bikin kue sus anti kempes dan mengembang dengan cantik.
Kue Sus
(Sumber: Milis DapurBunda)
130 gr Tepung Terigu Cakra Kembar
1 sdt garam
100 gr margarine
4 butir telur
250 ml air
Cara Membuat:
1. Air, garam dan margarine dimasak sampai mendidih.
2. Masukkan tepung, aduk sampai matang dan tercampur rata. Biarkan hingga adonan agak hangat.
3. Panaskan oven 200 derajat Celcius. Masukkan telur ke dalam adonan tepung satu persatu sambil terus diaduk atau dimikser sampai rata dan halus.
4. Semprotkan atau sendokkan ke atas loyang kue kering beralas kertas roti/silikon. Panggang selama kurang lebih 25 menit. Angkat.
5. Isi sesuai selera.
Biasanya biar makin cantik, bagian atasnya saya oles kuning telur.
Nah ini ada tips dari mbak Riana Pennylane
(saya kutip dari blog beliau)
"Resep kulit sus ini yang paling enak so far menurut saya sih. Merekah cantik, ‘menul-menul’, dan gampang banget bikinnya!
Selama manggang, oven jangan dibuka-buka ya. Nanti dia gak mau kokoh kulitnya.
Timing yang tepat sangat penting untuk ngedapetin kulit yang kokoh dan gak melembek ketika dingin. Kalo udah lewat 25 menit di permukaan kue masih ada mentega berbuih-buih, jangan dikeluarkan dulu dari oven. Tunggu sampe udah gak ada buih mentega lagi yang keluar, baru angkat kue dari oven.
Setelah dikeluarkan dari oven, segera pindahkan kue sus ke rak kawat, supaya bagian bawahnya gak beruap dan malah jadi lembek. Kalo gak ada rak kawat, yah gimana kek caranya supaya bagian bawahnya tuh bisa kontak langsung sama udara.
Tusuk-tusuk kue sus dengan tusuk gigi di beberapa tempat setelah dikeluarkan dari oven untuk memudahkan keluarnya uap air.
Cara mengisi kue sus: gunting dikit kulitnya, semprotkan isi dengan menggunakan plastik segitiga. Sruuutt….!"
Ikutin nasehat beliau kalo mau kue susnya berhasil :)
Untuk filling, saya juga mengandalkan resep vla napoleonnya mbak Riana. Gak bisa pindah ke lain hati, selalu pake resep ini.
(Sumber: Fatmah Bahalwan, modified by: Riana)
Bahan :
800cc susu
100gr gula kastor (modified. Original recipe: 200 gr)
5 btr kuning telur
50 grm tepung maizena
100 cc whipped cream
1 sdm mentega tawar
5 sdm Rhum/Brandy (optional)
Cara membuat:
- Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, sisihkan. Kocok kuning telur dengan garpu, cairkan dengan sedikit susu, sisihkan.
- Didihkan Susu dan gula, masukkan campuran maizena, aduk rata, kecilkan api.
- ‘Pancing’ larutan kuning telur dengan sedikit adonan susu panas (lihat Note), lalu masukkan larutan kuning telur ke dalam campuran susu, aduk rata.
- Masukkan whipping cream, aduk lagi dan didihkan sekali lagi.
- Angkat dari api, masukkan 1 sdm mentega, aduk hingga mentega leleh dan tercampur rata (permukaan vla jadi mengkilat).
- Aduk hingga uapnya hilang, masukkan Rhum/Brandy (kalo pakai). Dinginkan.
KBB #19 : Hip Hip Horayy!! Happy 3rd Birthday!
Hip hip Horay! Happy birthday buat KBB. Gak kerasa udah 3 tahun usianya dan udah hampir 3 tahun pula gue ikutan gabung. Banyak banget ilmu perbakingan yang gue dapet dari klub ini, belum lagi jalinan pertemanan yang sangat akrab, walopun banyak di antara kita yang belum pernah saling bertemu. Semoga ke depannya KBB makin eksis dan temen-temen tetep semangat ngerjain tantangan dan berbagi ilmu-ilmunya *group hugs*.
Awalnya bingung mau bikin apa? Akhirnya diputuskan bikin yang pas gue absen aja. Walaupun sebenernya udah pernah juga bikin lattice pie tapi seringnya yang manis. Sekalian bikin buat bekal mbak Arwen, jadilah gue bikin Creamy Chicken Pie (Puff Pastry-nya beli jadi aja deh ya, gak sanggup bikin sendiri ditongkrongin Neo...hahaha). Sebenernya bikin chicken pie ini sampe 2 kali. Yang pertama salah beli pastry...main samber aja dari fridge di SPM...lah kok taunya Fillo Pastry *dudul*. Kalo mau coba bikin classic puff pastry sendiri (gampang loh), bisa liat resepnya di sini.
Ini resep isian ayamnya :
Creamy Chicken
Bahan :
3 potong dada ayam
3 bawang putih, geprek
2sdm butter untuk menumis
bawang bombai
daging asap
2sdm tepung terigu
100ml air kaldu rebusan ayam
50ml whipped cream cair
keju parut secukupnya
Cara membuat :
1. Rebus ayam dengan bawang putih dan oregano sampai matang. Angkat, dinginkan, suwir-suwir.
2. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga wangi, masukkan daging ayam suwir dan daging asap. Bumbui dengan pala bubuk, merica dan garam secukupnya.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk-aduk hingga rata, siram dengan air kaldu. Tuang whipped cream cair. Aduk rata.
4. Taburi keju parut, aduk lagi hingga merata. Sisihkan dan siap digunakan.
Setelah bikin Chicken Pie, lah kok malah ketagihan pengen bikin yang lain-lain yang pernah jadi tantangan KBB. Gak sengaja liat status Riana Pennylane lagi ngomongin Lemon Cake...jiyahhh gue latah pengen bikin Lime/Lemon Meringue Pie. Dikomporin pulak sama beliau. Ya sut...yuk mari brangkat!! Akhirnya bikin pie crust-nya pake resep dari tantangan Banoffee Pie. Isi lime curd-nya hasil googling. Meringue-nya pake resep tantangan Chocolate Swirl Meringue (tapi gue modified).
Lime Curd
source : All Recipes
(resep aslinya pake lemon, gue ganti lime)
Ingredients :
1 cup white sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups water
2 lemons, juiced and zested (dita - I used 3 limes)
2 tablespoons butter
4 egg yolks, beaten
Directions :
To Make Lemon Filling: In a medium saucepan, whisk together 1 cup sugar, flour, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in water, lemon juice and lemon zest. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until mixture comes to a boil. Stir in butter. Place egg yolks in a small bowl and gradually whisk in 1/2 cup of hot sugar mixture. Whisk egg yolk mixture back into remaining sugar mixture. Bring to a boil and continue to cook while stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat. Pour filling into baked pastry shell.
Terus yang ketiga, rencana awalnya cuman pengen bikin kue sus...lah kok terus pengen bikin Paris Brest...eaaa.....jadilah nguplek di dapur bikin PB. Resep Paris Brest silahkan tengok di sini.
Sekali lagi....Happy Birthday KBB. Kompak terus ya!
Egg Whites Recipe,
Klub Berani Baking,
Indonesian Cheese Cookies - Kaastengels
What's the most popular cookies in Indonesia during Eid Al Fitr? Yes,it's Kaastengels, Ananas Tart (Kue Nastar) and Cheese Sago Cookies (Sagu Keju). We can find these three types of cookies in every house that celebrates the day. I think Eid Al Fitr won't be the same without these delicious cookies :) *ohhh now I miss my homecountry*
source : Sedap Sekejap
Ingredients :
(this is for 2 recipes)
250 gr butter
4 egg yolks
300 gr all purpose flour
50 gr cornflour
1/2 tsp baking powder
200 gr edam/parmessan cheese
100 gr grated cheddar cheese for topping
2 egg yolks to wash the cookies
Pre-heat the oven 170˙C
1. Beat butter and egg yolks until soft, add edam cheese, mix it well.
2. Sift all purpose flour, cornflour and baking powder over the batter. Mix until the dough not sticking to the bowl and hand.
3. Roll the dough, shape. Wash it with egg yolks then sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
4. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes.
source : Sedap Sekejap
Ingredients :
(this is for 2 recipes)
250 gr butter
4 egg yolks
300 gr all purpose flour
50 gr cornflour
1/2 tsp baking powder
200 gr edam/parmessan cheese
100 gr grated cheddar cheese for topping
2 egg yolks to wash the cookies
Pre-heat the oven 170˙C
1. Beat butter and egg yolks until soft, add edam cheese, mix it well.
2. Sift all purpose flour, cornflour and baking powder over the batter. Mix until the dough not sticking to the bowl and hand.
3. Roll the dough, shape. Wash it with egg yolks then sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
4. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes.
Indonesian Grilled Chicken ala Moi
If I don't have much time in the kitchen, grilled chicken to the rescue!!!! Even only Lemon grilled chicken style,it's still yummy.
Indonesian Grilled Chicken
Ingredients :
(sorry no measurement, just put the ingredients as you like)
-1 whole chicken
-kaffir lime leaves
-lemongrass (optional)
-oyster sauce
-tomato sauce
-sweet soy sauce
-salt and pepper
Spices to grind :
Direction :
1. Sautee the grinded spices with kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass and galangal until fragrant.
2. Add all sauce, and salt/pepper to taste.
3. Add chicken, stir until halfcooked. Then, transfer the chicken to the pan, put it in the oven for 1/2-1 hour (170˙C)
And enjoy it with warm cooked rice or yellow rice or rice in coconut milk
Indonesian Grilled Chicken
Ingredients :
(sorry no measurement, just put the ingredients as you like)
-1 whole chicken
-kaffir lime leaves
-lemongrass (optional)
-oyster sauce
-tomato sauce
-sweet soy sauce
-salt and pepper
Spices to grind :
Direction :
1. Sautee the grinded spices with kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass and galangal until fragrant.
2. Add all sauce, and salt/pepper to taste.
3. Add chicken, stir until halfcooked. Then, transfer the chicken to the pan, put it in the oven for 1/2-1 hour (170˙C)
And enjoy it with warm cooked rice or yellow rice or rice in coconut milk
Indonesian Food
Ramadan Kareem
One nice thing to do during the month of Ramadan is food exchanged between friends and neighbors. Usually sweet dessert or something sweet for iftar (breaking the fast).
My friend, Santy gave us these Lemon Cream Puff and they were absolutely delicious!!
On the next day, another friend of mine mbak Ani sent us Putu Ayu...yum yumm! And I couldn't resist taking picture of this cake...they were gorgeous and so photogenic :).
Santy also shared the recipe. Here's the Lemon Cream Puff's recipe.
Lemon Cream Puffs
cream puff
Ingredients :
1/2 cup water,
1/4 cup butter,
1/2 cup flour,
2 eggs
Directions :
- boil water & butter, add flour, stir until smooth, let stand 5 minutes.
- add egg one at a time, beat well.
- pre heat oven 200 Celcius.
- drop teaspoonful of dough on baking sheet. bake 35 minutes.
lemon cream
Ingredients :
1 egg beaten,
1/3 cup sugar,
juice of 1 lemon,
1/2 tsp vanilla,
2 TBS butter
1 cup whipping cream,
2 tsp sugar
Directions :
- combine egg, sugar, lemon juice, butter, vanilla and bring to boil, medium heat.
- remove and cool quickly (place pan in ice water).
- transfer to bowl, close with plastic wrap, put in the fridge for 1 hour.
- beat whip cream & sugar until stiff, add lemon mixture. stir well.
- split puffs and fill in with lemon cream.
My friend, Santy gave us these Lemon Cream Puff and they were absolutely delicious!!
On the next day, another friend of mine mbak Ani sent us Putu Ayu...yum yumm! And I couldn't resist taking picture of this cake...they were gorgeous and so photogenic :).
Santy also shared the recipe. Here's the Lemon Cream Puff's recipe.
Lemon Cream Puffs
cream puff
Ingredients :
1/2 cup water,
1/4 cup butter,
1/2 cup flour,
2 eggs
Directions :
- boil water & butter, add flour, stir until smooth, let stand 5 minutes.
- add egg one at a time, beat well.
- pre heat oven 200 Celcius.
- drop teaspoonful of dough on baking sheet. bake 35 minutes.
lemon cream
Ingredients :
1 egg beaten,
1/3 cup sugar,
juice of 1 lemon,
1/2 tsp vanilla,
2 TBS butter
1 cup whipping cream,
2 tsp sugar
Directions :
- combine egg, sugar, lemon juice, butter, vanilla and bring to boil, medium heat.
- remove and cool quickly (place pan in ice water).
- transfer to bowl, close with plastic wrap, put in the fridge for 1 hour.
- beat whip cream & sugar until stiff, add lemon mixture. stir well.
- split puffs and fill in with lemon cream.
Kue Lumpur Pandan (tanpa kentang)
Bikin kue lumpur ini sebenernya bukan karena emang lagi pengen, tapi karena gatel pengen merawanin cetakan kue lumpur, hasil berburu di Pasar Mayestik pas mudik kemaren *gayanya*. Bahan-bahannya juga gak lengkap, kentang terakhir udah dibuat sup-nya Neo. Iseng-iseng googling resep kue lumpur tanpa kentang, eh hasilnya banyak aja loh *yiipiiee*. Mampirlah dulu ke MP-nya cik Ine. Lucu juga kayaknya kalo bikin Kue Lumpur Pandan. Abis itu blogwalking ke tempat Hesti Kitchen Notes dan ditemukanlah resep Yasaboga ini :). Dan aku pun memilih resep yang ada di blog Hesti.
Hasilnya, sukaaaa!! Lembut banget. Memang lebih lembut daripada yang pake kentang. Sampe-sampe Neo kesenengan makannya.
Kue Lumpur
Jajan Pasar - Yasaboga
sumber : Hesti Kitchen Notes
75 gr margarin
250 ml air
150 gr tepung terigu
125 gr gula pasir
1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
1/4 sdt garam
5 butir telur
450 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa, didihkan, dinginkan (aku: 200 ml santan instan + 250 ml air)
100 gr kismis, rendam air hangat, tiriskan
100 gr kelapa muda, serut panjang, seduh air hangat, tiriskan
(aku: kismis dan keju parut)
Olesan cetakan, aduk rata (ala Widya Hidayat)(dita-gue gak ikutin cara ini,rada males rempong :D)
1 butir kuning telur
1 sdm minyak goreng
Cara Membuat
- Didihkan air dan margarin, masukkan terigu, aduk cepat sampai rata. Masukkan gula, garam dan vanili, aduk rata, dinginkan.
- Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur dengan api paling kecil.
- Masukkan telur satu persatu, aduk rata. Tuangi santan bertahap sampai adonan licin dan rata.
- Olesi cetakan dengan bahan olesan (cetakan bunyi .. Cessss ....).
- Tuang adonan sampai 1/2 tinggi cetakan, tutup, masak sampai setengah matang. Taburi topping, tutup kembali, masak sampai matang.
- Ulangi sampai adonan habis.
Untuk 20 buah (dita-gue jadi 29 buah)
Hasilnya, sukaaaa!! Lembut banget. Memang lebih lembut daripada yang pake kentang. Sampe-sampe Neo kesenengan makannya.
Kue Lumpur
Jajan Pasar - Yasaboga
sumber : Hesti Kitchen Notes
75 gr margarin
250 ml air
150 gr tepung terigu
125 gr gula pasir
1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
1/4 sdt garam
5 butir telur
450 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa, didihkan, dinginkan (aku: 200 ml santan instan + 250 ml air)
100 gr kismis, rendam air hangat, tiriskan
100 gr kelapa muda, serut panjang, seduh air hangat, tiriskan
(aku: kismis dan keju parut)
Olesan cetakan, aduk rata (ala Widya Hidayat)(dita-gue gak ikutin cara ini,rada males rempong :D)
1 butir kuning telur
1 sdm minyak goreng
Cara Membuat
- Didihkan air dan margarin, masukkan terigu, aduk cepat sampai rata. Masukkan gula, garam dan vanili, aduk rata, dinginkan.
- Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur dengan api paling kecil.
- Masukkan telur satu persatu, aduk rata. Tuangi santan bertahap sampai adonan licin dan rata.
- Olesi cetakan dengan bahan olesan (cetakan bunyi .. Cessss ....).
- Tuang adonan sampai 1/2 tinggi cetakan, tutup, masak sampai setengah matang. Taburi topping, tutup kembali, masak sampai matang.
- Ulangi sampai adonan habis.
Untuk 20 buah (dita-gue jadi 29 buah)
Indonesian Food,
Vote for Your Pick for PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD
I was on vacation when David Leite from Leite's Culinaria e-mailed me. Remember my last post about Food Photography Contest organized by Leite's Culinaria? I'm so surprised that he told me about my Chocolate-Ginger Crinkle Cookies photo goes to final.
It was the only photo I sent for this contest. I don't have much time to try another recipes and to make so many photos because I was preparing my vacation to Indonesia
If my photo is your favorite, you can vote for me here, and I thank you for it :).
Food Photography Contest : Chocolate-Ginger Crinkle Cookies
Live for food? Love photography? Join the contest here, organized by Leites Culinaria with $700 in prizes.
And I'm sending this photo as an entry.
If you want to participate just follow the link.
Chocolate-Ginger Crinkle Cookies
via Leites Culinaria
by Jennifer Lindner McGlinn
from Gingerbread: Timeless Recipes for Cakes, Cookies, Desserts, Ice Cream and Candy
(Chronicle Books, 2009)
Makes 40 cookies
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
7 1/2 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger
Confectioners’ sugar for rolling
1. Whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, ginger, and cinnamon in a medium bowl.
2. Combine the butter and 3 ounces of the chocolate in a medium, heat-proof bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan filled with about 1 1/2 inches of simmering water (being sure not to let the bottom of the bowl touch the water) and stir occasionally until the chocolate and butter have melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove the bowl from the saucepan and set aside to cool slightly, about 10 minutes. (You can also melt the mixture in the microwave, heating it at about 20-second intervals and stirring periodically until it is melted and smooth.)
3. Stir the granulated and brown sugars into the melted chocolate mixture, using a wooden spoon or heatproof spatula. Drop in the eggs, one at a time, mixing briskly until smooth. Stir in the vanilla extract and gradually incorporate the flour mixture. Fold in the remaining 4 1/2 ounces of chocolate and the crystallized ginger. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and set in the refrigerator to chill for at least 2 hours or overnight.
4. Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
5. Shape the chilled dough into walnut-size balls, roll in confectioners’ sugar, and arrange them about 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. (If your kitchen is quite warm and the dough becomes too soft, return it to the refrigerator until chilled and fairly firm.) Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the cookies have spread and the tops are cracked.
6. Cool the chocolate-ginger crinkle cookies on the baking sheets set on wire racks for about 2 minutes before removing them to the racks to cool completely. Store the crinkle cookies in an airtight container or in a zip-top bag for up to 4 days.
And I'm sending this photo as an entry.
If you want to participate just follow the link.
Chocolate-Ginger Crinkle Cookies
via Leites Culinaria
by Jennifer Lindner McGlinn
from Gingerbread: Timeless Recipes for Cakes, Cookies, Desserts, Ice Cream and Candy
(Chronicle Books, 2009)
Makes 40 cookies
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
7 1/2 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger
Confectioners’ sugar for rolling
1. Whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, ginger, and cinnamon in a medium bowl.
2. Combine the butter and 3 ounces of the chocolate in a medium, heat-proof bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan filled with about 1 1/2 inches of simmering water (being sure not to let the bottom of the bowl touch the water) and stir occasionally until the chocolate and butter have melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove the bowl from the saucepan and set aside to cool slightly, about 10 minutes. (You can also melt the mixture in the microwave, heating it at about 20-second intervals and stirring periodically until it is melted and smooth.)
3. Stir the granulated and brown sugars into the melted chocolate mixture, using a wooden spoon or heatproof spatula. Drop in the eggs, one at a time, mixing briskly until smooth. Stir in the vanilla extract and gradually incorporate the flour mixture. Fold in the remaining 4 1/2 ounces of chocolate and the crystallized ginger. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and set in the refrigerator to chill for at least 2 hours or overnight.
4. Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
5. Shape the chilled dough into walnut-size balls, roll in confectioners’ sugar, and arrange them about 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. (If your kitchen is quite warm and the dough becomes too soft, return it to the refrigerator until chilled and fairly firm.) Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the cookies have spread and the tops are cracked.
6. Cool the chocolate-ginger crinkle cookies on the baking sheets set on wire racks for about 2 minutes before removing them to the racks to cool completely. Store the crinkle cookies in an airtight container or in a zip-top bag for up to 4 days.
Melting Moments
It's been 2 months since my last post in this blog. So many things happened. The photograph theft issues and our move into a new apartment have drained my energy. And blogging would be the last thing in my mind.
I've been busy unpacking stuffs and decorating room by room in our new nest. Now, everything's almost back to normal except the photo theft issues (yup the thefts are still around), we start a new chapter in the new apartment.
2 years in the old apartment and we had such a really sweet memories. Especially in our artful life. We've done so many artful things.
sweet memories from the old apartment
And this is what I've done for the past 2 months, painting and decorating the new place.
new chapter in the new place
Ok, enough about our story :), now I'm ready to rock on my kitchen. This would be the first recipe from my new kitchen and the first food photos from my new food photos corner. Lucky me, the new flat has a room (kids' room) with abundant of light in the morning *yaayy*. And I think this would be my favorite spot to take picture.
For the recipe I just used what I've left in my pantry. Actually this is Arwen and Leia's project. They did it, I just supervised them, so you can imagine how easy this one.
Got the recipe from my favorite site Joy of Baking.
Melting Moments
source : Joy of Baking
Ingredients :
Melting Moments Recipe:
1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour (dita-I use 1 cup)
1/2 cup (60 grams) cornstarch (corn flour) (dita- I use 1 cup)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup (30 grams) powdered (confectioners or icing) sugar
1 cup (227 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup (110 grams) powdered (confectioners) sugar, sifted
Directions :
In a medium sized bowl whisk together the flour, cornstarch and salt. Set aside.
In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes). Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat until incorporated. Cover and refrigerate the dough for at least one hour or until firm.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
When dough is firm, form into 1 inch (2.5 cm) balls and place the cookies on the prepared baking sheets spacing about 1 inch apart. Bake for about 12 - 14 minutes or until the edges of the cookies start to brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool for about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, line another baking pan or tray with parchment or wax paper. Sprinkle about half of the confectioners (powdered or icing) sugar onto the bottom of the pan and then place the slightly cooled cookies on top of the sugar. Put the remaining sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and then sprinkle the tops of the cookies (or you can just roll the cookies in the sugar).
These cookies store very well. Place in an airtight container between sheets of wax paper and they will keep a couple of weeks.
Makes about 3 dozen cookies.
I made a slight modification for the recipe. I used 1 cup of flour instead of 1 1/2 cups, then added 1/2 cup to the corn flour. So the cookies would be more delicate and melting in your mouth.
For the coating, you can create as your liking. I made the caramel coating cookies because I missed the day when I was just a kid eating Lontong Paris cookies :) (it's kind of Indonesian shortbread cookies with caramel coating and chopped nuts).
I've been busy unpacking stuffs and decorating room by room in our new nest. Now, everything's almost back to normal except the photo theft issues (yup the thefts are still around), we start a new chapter in the new apartment.
2 years in the old apartment and we had such a really sweet memories. Especially in our artful life. We've done so many artful things.
sweet memories from the old apartment
And this is what I've done for the past 2 months, painting and decorating the new place.
new chapter in the new place
Ok, enough about our story :), now I'm ready to rock on my kitchen. This would be the first recipe from my new kitchen and the first food photos from my new food photos corner. Lucky me, the new flat has a room (kids' room) with abundant of light in the morning *yaayy*. And I think this would be my favorite spot to take picture.
For the recipe I just used what I've left in my pantry. Actually this is Arwen and Leia's project. They did it, I just supervised them, so you can imagine how easy this one.
Got the recipe from my favorite site Joy of Baking.
Melting Moments
source : Joy of Baking
Ingredients :
Melting Moments Recipe:
1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour (dita-I use 1 cup)
1/2 cup (60 grams) cornstarch (corn flour) (dita- I use 1 cup)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup (30 grams) powdered (confectioners or icing) sugar
1 cup (227 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup (110 grams) powdered (confectioners) sugar, sifted
Directions :
In a medium sized bowl whisk together the flour, cornstarch and salt. Set aside.
In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes). Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat until incorporated. Cover and refrigerate the dough for at least one hour or until firm.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
When dough is firm, form into 1 inch (2.5 cm) balls and place the cookies on the prepared baking sheets spacing about 1 inch apart. Bake for about 12 - 14 minutes or until the edges of the cookies start to brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool for about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, line another baking pan or tray with parchment or wax paper. Sprinkle about half of the confectioners (powdered or icing) sugar onto the bottom of the pan and then place the slightly cooled cookies on top of the sugar. Put the remaining sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and then sprinkle the tops of the cookies (or you can just roll the cookies in the sugar).
These cookies store very well. Place in an airtight container between sheets of wax paper and they will keep a couple of weeks.
Makes about 3 dozen cookies.
I made a slight modification for the recipe. I used 1 cup of flour instead of 1 1/2 cups, then added 1/2 cup to the corn flour. So the cookies would be more delicate and melting in your mouth.
For the coating, you can create as your liking. I made the caramel coating cookies because I missed the day when I was just a kid eating Lontong Paris cookies :) (it's kind of Indonesian shortbread cookies with caramel coating and chopped nuts).
KBB#18 : French Macarons - Chocolate Peanut Butter
O my o my....jantungan banget waktu baru terima surat cinta dari KBB. Gak nyangka kalo tantangan kali ini adalah bikin French Macarons....DANG!!!!!
Gue punya pengalaman buruk dengan FM. Udah 11 kali bikin tapi gagal semua. Bayangin berapa banyak putih telur dan bubuk almond yang terbuang? :(
Tapi karena ini tantangan KBB, ya mau gak mau harus dilakoni. Bismillah ajalah. Karena kebetulan gue mau mudik Ke Indonesia, Arfi ngasih kesempatan untuk bikin duluan sebelum gue sibuk nyiapin kepulangan gue ke Indonesia *thanks Fi*
Akhirnya, tepat di hari ulangtahun gue, setelah semua bahan-bahan siap, gue nekad dan sok percaya diri ngerjain tantangan ini. Tentunya dengan harap-harap cemas semoga mac feet-nya keluar.
Waktu mau ngeluarin macaron dari oven sambil ngintip...LOL...gak berani buka mata lebar-lebar, takut kecewa kakinya gak keluar. Pas oven dibuka...loh loh apa tuh?
Yipeeeeee!!!! French Macarons-nya ada kakinya!!!!!!!!!!! Mari kita mac feet dancing!!!!! Hadoohhh masa harus bikin 12 kali dulu dan di hari ultah gue untuk bisa dapetin feet?? hahaha....macaronsnya pinter gak mau ngecewain the birthday girl.
And I proudly present...my French Macarons! (walopun kakinya gak gendut gendut,tapi gue udah cukup puas)
Snickers Macarons
source : helen tartelette
Makes about 16
For The Shells:
3 egg whites (I like to use 1-2 day old egg whites)
50 gr. granulated sugar
200 gr. powdered sugar (minus 2 Tb)
55gr. almonds
55 gr. peanuts
2 Tb cocoa powder
For the whites: the day before (24hrs), separate your eggs and store the whites at room temperature in a covered container. If you want to use 48hrs (or more) egg whites, you can store them in the fridge.In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites to a foam, gradually add the sugar until you obtain a glossy meringue. Do not overbeat your meringue or it will be too dry and your macarons won't work. Combine the almonds, peanuts, cocoa powder and powdered sugar in a food processor and give them a good pulse until the nuts are finely ground. Pass through a sieve. Add them to the meringue, give it a quick fold to break some of the air and then fold the mass carefully until you obtain a batter that flows like magma or a thick ribbon. Give quick strokes at first to break the mass and slow down. The whole process should not take more than 50 strokes. Test a small amount on a plate: if the tops flattens on its own you are good to go. If there is a small beak, give the batter a couple of turns. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip (Ateco #807 or #809) with the batter and pipe small rounds (1.5 inches in diameter) onto parchment paper baking sheets. Preheat the oven to 300F. Let the macarons sit out for an hour to harden their shells a bit and bake for 8-10 minutes, depending on their size. Let cool. If you have trouble removing the shells, pour a couple of drops of water under the parchment paper while the sheet is still a bit warm and the macarons will lift up more easily do to the moisture. Don't let them sit there in it too long or they will become soggy. Pipe or spoon some ganache on one shell and sandwich with another one.
If you use fresh whites, zap them up in the microwave on medium high for 20 seconds to mimic the aging process.
Gue punya pengalaman buruk dengan FM. Udah 11 kali bikin tapi gagal semua. Bayangin berapa banyak putih telur dan bubuk almond yang terbuang? :(
Tapi karena ini tantangan KBB, ya mau gak mau harus dilakoni. Bismillah ajalah. Karena kebetulan gue mau mudik Ke Indonesia, Arfi ngasih kesempatan untuk bikin duluan sebelum gue sibuk nyiapin kepulangan gue ke Indonesia *thanks Fi*
Akhirnya, tepat di hari ulangtahun gue, setelah semua bahan-bahan siap, gue nekad dan sok percaya diri ngerjain tantangan ini. Tentunya dengan harap-harap cemas semoga mac feet-nya keluar.
Waktu mau ngeluarin macaron dari oven sambil ngintip...LOL...gak berani buka mata lebar-lebar, takut kecewa kakinya gak keluar. Pas oven dibuka...loh loh apa tuh?
Yipeeeeee!!!! French Macarons-nya ada kakinya!!!!!!!!!!! Mari kita mac feet dancing!!!!! Hadoohhh masa harus bikin 12 kali dulu dan di hari ultah gue untuk bisa dapetin feet?? hahaha....macaronsnya pinter gak mau ngecewain the birthday girl.
And I proudly present...my French Macarons! (walopun kakinya gak gendut gendut,tapi gue udah cukup puas)
Snickers Macarons
source : helen tartelette
Makes about 16
For The Shells:
3 egg whites (I like to use 1-2 day old egg whites)
50 gr. granulated sugar
200 gr. powdered sugar (minus 2 Tb)
55gr. almonds
55 gr. peanuts
2 Tb cocoa powder
For the whites: the day before (24hrs), separate your eggs and store the whites at room temperature in a covered container. If you want to use 48hrs (or more) egg whites, you can store them in the fridge.In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites to a foam, gradually add the sugar until you obtain a glossy meringue. Do not overbeat your meringue or it will be too dry and your macarons won't work. Combine the almonds, peanuts, cocoa powder and powdered sugar in a food processor and give them a good pulse until the nuts are finely ground. Pass through a sieve. Add them to the meringue, give it a quick fold to break some of the air and then fold the mass carefully until you obtain a batter that flows like magma or a thick ribbon. Give quick strokes at first to break the mass and slow down. The whole process should not take more than 50 strokes. Test a small amount on a plate: if the tops flattens on its own you are good to go. If there is a small beak, give the batter a couple of turns. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip (Ateco #807 or #809) with the batter and pipe small rounds (1.5 inches in diameter) onto parchment paper baking sheets. Preheat the oven to 300F. Let the macarons sit out for an hour to harden their shells a bit and bake for 8-10 minutes, depending on their size. Let cool. If you have trouble removing the shells, pour a couple of drops of water under the parchment paper while the sheet is still a bit warm and the macarons will lift up more easily do to the moisture. Don't let them sit there in it too long or they will become soggy. Pipe or spoon some ganache on one shell and sandwich with another one.
If you use fresh whites, zap them up in the microwave on medium high for 20 seconds to mimic the aging process.
Nih dia poffertjes yang lagi hits di NCC. Thanks to mbak Wati yang udah rekomendasiin resep ini. Bener...dari beberapa resep yang pernah gue coba, resep ini yang paling nampol.
Source: Resep Pilihan Ahli Masak PRIMARASA FEMINA "Hidangan Peranakan Belanda & Cina"
Modifikasi sedikit oleh mbak Wati, di bahan dan cara membuat
250 gr tepung cakra (kl aku, 125 gr tepung segitiga + 125 gr tepung cakra) (dita-pake tepung all purpose)
75 gr gula pasir halus
1/2 sdt ragi instan (kalo aku 1 sdt)
3 butir telur
400 ml susu cair (kl mo lbh yummy, 100 ml susu evaporated + 300 ml susu cair biasa)
50 gr mentega, dicairkan
1/4 sdt garam
50 gr keju cheddar, potong dadu
Gula bubuk, untuk taburan
Cara Membuat:
Aduk rata tepung, gula dan ragi instan. Sisihkan.
Hangatkan susu cair (jgn sampai mendidih). Kocok lepas telur. Masukkan susu hangat, aduk rata.
Tuangkan adonan telur susu ke dalam wadah berisi campuran tepung. Aduk/uleni hingga rata dan licin. (kl aku pake mikser dgn kocokan yg buat roti).
Masukkan mentega cair dan garam. Aduk rata.
Istirahatkan adonan kurleb 15 menit (kalo aku 30 menit).
Panaskan cetakan poffertjes. Olesi mentega (sekali saja diawal). Tuang adonan setengah tinggi cetakan. Tunggu sampai permukaannya berlubang2. Sementara itu, isi adonan di cetakan yg belum terisi. Tunggu sebentar. Beri potongan keju dadu. Adonan pertama yg sudah setengah matang dicungkil dgn tusuk sate, kemudian digabung diatas adonan yg ada kejunya (mudah2an ngerti ya maksudnya..). Putar2 dgn tusuk sate, hingga adonan membulat dan matang.
Taruh diatas piring saji, taburi gula bubuk. Hidangkan.
Source: Resep Pilihan Ahli Masak PRIMARASA FEMINA "Hidangan Peranakan Belanda & Cina"
Modifikasi sedikit oleh mbak Wati, di bahan dan cara membuat
250 gr tepung cakra (kl aku, 125 gr tepung segitiga + 125 gr tepung cakra) (dita-pake tepung all purpose)
75 gr gula pasir halus
1/2 sdt ragi instan (kalo aku 1 sdt)
3 butir telur
400 ml susu cair (kl mo lbh yummy, 100 ml susu evaporated + 300 ml susu cair biasa)
50 gr mentega, dicairkan
1/4 sdt garam
50 gr keju cheddar, potong dadu
Gula bubuk, untuk taburan
Cara Membuat:
Aduk rata tepung, gula dan ragi instan. Sisihkan.
Hangatkan susu cair (jgn sampai mendidih). Kocok lepas telur. Masukkan susu hangat, aduk rata.
Tuangkan adonan telur susu ke dalam wadah berisi campuran tepung. Aduk/uleni hingga rata dan licin. (kl aku pake mikser dgn kocokan yg buat roti).
Masukkan mentega cair dan garam. Aduk rata.
Istirahatkan adonan kurleb 15 menit (kalo aku 30 menit).
Panaskan cetakan poffertjes. Olesi mentega (sekali saja diawal). Tuang adonan setengah tinggi cetakan. Tunggu sampai permukaannya berlubang2. Sementara itu, isi adonan di cetakan yg belum terisi. Tunggu sebentar. Beri potongan keju dadu. Adonan pertama yg sudah setengah matang dicungkil dgn tusuk sate, kemudian digabung diatas adonan yg ada kejunya (mudah2an ngerti ya maksudnya..). Putar2 dgn tusuk sate, hingga adonan membulat dan matang.
Taruh diatas piring saji, taburi gula bubuk. Hidangkan.
Tiramisu Cheesecake
Sebenernya cake ini aslinya pake Mascarpone Cheese yang merupakan ciri khas tiramisu. Tapi berhubung gak ada mascarpone, gue substitute dengan cream cheese. Untuk frostingnya gue juga pake resep sendiri, krim kental dikocok sampe mengembang terus campur dengan cream cheese dan sedikit butter plus gula icing. Sengaja gue cetak jadi cupcake supaya enak makannya. Buat yang punya anak-anak, sirup kopi bisa diganti dengan coklat (pake coklat bubuk, caranya sama dengan bikin sirup kopi)
Step-nya sih keliatannya aja panjang, tapi sebenernya nggak kok. Rasanya? Recommended banget!
Makasih ya mama Pindi aka Findrie K. Irawan. TFS!
Tiramisu Cupcake
(in Bahasa Indonesia)
source : Mama Pindi's Kitchen
I. Mascarpone Cheese Cake
(campur dan ayak)
50 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung maizena
60 gr mentega tawar
250 gr Mascarpone cheese, biarkan pada suhu ruang
120 ml whip cream
5 kuning telur
5 putih telur
1/8 sdt garam
125 gr gula pasir halus
1 batang Vanilla, srapped ambil bagian dalamnya
Siapkan loyang cupcake, Pasang oven 150 derajat Celsius, masukkan alas loyang yang diisi air panas.
Campur mentega, Mascarpone cheese, whip cream, vanilla pod & batangnya dalam wadah.
Didihkan dengan api kecil, aduk hingga lembut, angkat dari api (diamkan sampai uapnya hilang).
Masukkan campuran tepung, aduk rata. Masukkan kuning telur aduk rata. Buang batang Vanilla. Sisihkan.
Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok sampai terbentuk kerucut-kerucut tumpul (soft peak).
Tuang 1/3 adonan putih telur ke adonan mascarpone cheese, aduk rata. Tuang campuran ini ke sisa adonan putih telur, aduk rata.
Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang dengan cara au bain marie, kurang lebih 20-30 menit sampai permukaan matang, kuning keemasan. Keluarkan dari oven. (Cara test kue sudah matang atau belum, tusuk dengan tusuk gigi, bila adonan lengket di tusuk gigi maka kue belum sepenuhnya matang, bila sudah tidak ada yg lengket, tandanya kue sudah matang secara menyeluruh).
Setelah benar-benar dingin, lepaskan cake dari loyang, taruh di atas rak kawat hingga dingin.
II. Coffee Syrup
1 sachet bubuk kopi instan, seduh air hangat (pilih yang bau kopi-nya strong)
2 sdm Rhum (optional)
2 sdm Kahlua (optional
III. Mascarpone Frosting
1 cup heavy cream
8 ounces mascarpone cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup gula halus
Kocok cream dengan mixer hingga mengembang dan stiff peak (kaku). Di wadah lainnya, kocok mascarpone dan gula hingga halus. Kemudian campur whipped cream kedalam mascarpone hingga rata.
IV. Penyelesaian
Bila cup cake sudah dingin, berikan beberapa sendok cairan Kopi hingga cake terlihat coklat. Jangan ragu untuk memberikan kopi yang banyak hingga meresap ke dalam kue, karena ini yang akan membuat rasanya beda. Masukkan mascarpone frosting ke dalam plastik segitiga dan gunakan tip yang diinginkan lalu semprotkan ke atas masing-masing cupcake hingga habis. Taburi coklat bubuk, lalu hias dengan coklat serut. Tambahkan buah dan daun mint sebagai pemanis.
Step-nya sih keliatannya aja panjang, tapi sebenernya nggak kok. Rasanya? Recommended banget!
Makasih ya mama Pindi aka Findrie K. Irawan. TFS!
Tiramisu Cupcake
(in Bahasa Indonesia)
source : Mama Pindi's Kitchen
I. Mascarpone Cheese Cake
(campur dan ayak)
50 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung maizena
60 gr mentega tawar
250 gr Mascarpone cheese, biarkan pada suhu ruang
120 ml whip cream
5 kuning telur
5 putih telur
1/8 sdt garam
125 gr gula pasir halus
1 batang Vanilla, srapped ambil bagian dalamnya
Siapkan loyang cupcake, Pasang oven 150 derajat Celsius, masukkan alas loyang yang diisi air panas.
Campur mentega, Mascarpone cheese, whip cream, vanilla pod & batangnya dalam wadah.
Didihkan dengan api kecil, aduk hingga lembut, angkat dari api (diamkan sampai uapnya hilang).
Masukkan campuran tepung, aduk rata. Masukkan kuning telur aduk rata. Buang batang Vanilla. Sisihkan.
Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok sampai terbentuk kerucut-kerucut tumpul (soft peak).
Tuang 1/3 adonan putih telur ke adonan mascarpone cheese, aduk rata. Tuang campuran ini ke sisa adonan putih telur, aduk rata.
Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang dengan cara au bain marie, kurang lebih 20-30 menit sampai permukaan matang, kuning keemasan. Keluarkan dari oven. (Cara test kue sudah matang atau belum, tusuk dengan tusuk gigi, bila adonan lengket di tusuk gigi maka kue belum sepenuhnya matang, bila sudah tidak ada yg lengket, tandanya kue sudah matang secara menyeluruh).
Setelah benar-benar dingin, lepaskan cake dari loyang, taruh di atas rak kawat hingga dingin.
II. Coffee Syrup
1 sachet bubuk kopi instan, seduh air hangat (pilih yang bau kopi-nya strong)
2 sdm Rhum (optional)
2 sdm Kahlua (optional
III. Mascarpone Frosting
1 cup heavy cream
8 ounces mascarpone cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup gula halus
Kocok cream dengan mixer hingga mengembang dan stiff peak (kaku). Di wadah lainnya, kocok mascarpone dan gula hingga halus. Kemudian campur whipped cream kedalam mascarpone hingga rata.
IV. Penyelesaian
Bila cup cake sudah dingin, berikan beberapa sendok cairan Kopi hingga cake terlihat coklat. Jangan ragu untuk memberikan kopi yang banyak hingga meresap ke dalam kue, karena ini yang akan membuat rasanya beda. Masukkan mascarpone frosting ke dalam plastik segitiga dan gunakan tip yang diinginkan lalu semprotkan ke atas masing-masing cupcake hingga habis. Taburi coklat bubuk, lalu hias dengan coklat serut. Tambahkan buah dan daun mint sebagai pemanis.
Orange Chiffon Cake
Masih dalam rangka keranjingan bikin chiffon cake, gue udah gak tau lagi ini percobaan yang keberapa XD. Gue suka resep ini dan tekstur cake yang dihasilkannya. Dan yang pasti resep ini hemat telur.
Sengkyu Mindy buat rekomendasi resepnya.
Orange Chiffon Cake
source : happyhomebaking
100 gr flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 egg yolks
40 gr caster sugar
50 ml vegetable oil
50 ml water
25 ml fresh orange juice
Zest of orange
3 egg whites
40 gr caster sugar
Preheat oven to 170C
Combine the flour, the baking powder and the salt. Set aside
In a mixing bowl, whisk manually the egg yolks the add the sugar in 3 times. Whisk until the mixture becomes sticky and turns pale. Drizzle in the oil, whisking at the same time until the mixture is well combined. Repeat the same with the water, followed by the orange juice. Sieve the flour mixture over the yolk mixture and whisk until fully incorporated into the batter. Add in the lemon zest (if used) and combine well
In a clean, dry mixing bowl, beat egg whites with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Gradually beat in the sugar and beat on high speed until stiff peaks form. Then add the beaten egg whites into the yolk batter in 3 separate times then folding gently with a spatula until just blended after each adding
Pour batter into a 18cm (7 inch) tube pan (do not grease the pan). Tap the pan lightly on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter. (Note: my pan is bigger, that's why the cake doesn't look so high). Bake for 45 to 50 mins or until the cake surface turns golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately. Let cool completely before unmould. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife around the inside of the pan and the center core. Release the cake and run the knife along the base of the pan to remove the cake
Sengkyu Mindy buat rekomendasi resepnya.
Orange Chiffon Cake
source : happyhomebaking
100 gr flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 egg yolks
40 gr caster sugar
50 ml vegetable oil
50 ml water
25 ml fresh orange juice
Zest of orange
3 egg whites
40 gr caster sugar
Preheat oven to 170C
Combine the flour, the baking powder and the salt. Set aside
In a mixing bowl, whisk manually the egg yolks the add the sugar in 3 times. Whisk until the mixture becomes sticky and turns pale. Drizzle in the oil, whisking at the same time until the mixture is well combined. Repeat the same with the water, followed by the orange juice. Sieve the flour mixture over the yolk mixture and whisk until fully incorporated into the batter. Add in the lemon zest (if used) and combine well
In a clean, dry mixing bowl, beat egg whites with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Gradually beat in the sugar and beat on high speed until stiff peaks form. Then add the beaten egg whites into the yolk batter in 3 separate times then folding gently with a spatula until just blended after each adding
Pour batter into a 18cm (7 inch) tube pan (do not grease the pan). Tap the pan lightly on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter. (Note: my pan is bigger, that's why the cake doesn't look so high). Bake for 45 to 50 mins or until the cake surface turns golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately. Let cool completely before unmould. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife around the inside of the pan and the center core. Release the cake and run the knife along the base of the pan to remove the cake
Lawan Pencurian Foto & Konten Blog
Pencurian foto dari blog ataupun konten blog, menurut saya sudah sampai tahap memprihatinkan. Gak tanggung-tanggung, sekarang bukan cuman 1-2 foto atau 1-2 resep yang di copy paste tanpa ijin dari sebuah blog tapi bisa juga 1 blog dicopy semua isinya dan diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku :(. Silahkan baca kasus mbak Pippi di sini dan di sini.
Sejalan dengan makin menjamurkan penerbit-penerbit kecil/indie, sepertinya saat ini begitu mudah orang menerbitkan buku. Tinggal comot karya orang kemudian terbitkan jadi buku.
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya juga mendapat laporan, seorang rekan Food Blogger, blognya diterbitkan juga oleh sebuah penerbit tak bertanggungjawab (saat ini rekan saya tersebut sedang mencari bukti-buktinya)...ck...ck...ck...
Marah, sedih, jengkel, kesal, tak tahu lagi apa yang harus kami ucapkan. Sudah terlalu sering kasus-kasus seperti ini terjadi. Berlanjut terus dan terus. Tak ada perlindungan bagi para blogger yang karya-karyanya dicuri/dipakai tanpa ijin.
Seandainya mereka tahu betapa panjangnya proses penciptaan sebuah karya yang kami pajang di blog kami. Atau memang mereka tak peduli, yang penting perut mereka kenyang. Atau memang mental copy paste sudah menjadi hal yang biasa, bukan lagi sesuatu yang tabu. Dan mencuri bukan lagi barang haram.
Dan sekarang semua pencuri-pencuri itu sedang tertawa-tawa mengeruk keuntungan atas karya-karya kami dan karya teman-teman blogger lain.
Apa yang bisa kami lakukan saat ini adalah menggalang kekuatan para blogger untuk melawan pencurian karya cipta dari blog. Sampai kapan karya-karya kami bisa digunakan semena-mena seperti ini? Dikomersialisasikan secara tak bertanggungjawab.
Untuk itu, saya dan rekan-rekan Food Blogger mengajak Anda para blogger untuk mengkampanyekan gerakan "Lawan Pencuri Foto & Konten Blog" di fanpage situs jejaring sosial facebook. Di halaman tersebut, kita bisa saling berbagi informasi tentang pencurian karya dari blog dan mengumpulkan bukti-buktinya. Mari berjuang bersama mendidik lebih banyak orang untuk menghargai dan menghormati hasil karya orang lain. Jika Anda menemukan karya dari blog dibajak/dicuri untuk kemudian diterbitkan menjadi sebuah buku ataupun dipakai tanpa ijin di website-website atau blog-blog komersial, jangan ragu untuk mempublikasikannya di blog Anda atau share di wall fanpage "Lawan Pencuri Foto & Konten Blog", cantumkan nama penerbit nakal-nya.
Blogging juga ada etikanya,jika menggunakan foto/konten/hasil karya orang lain dari blog lain, minta ijin/cantumkan sumbernya sebagai bentuk penghargaan atas karya cipta.
related links :
Lawan Pencurian Foto & Konten Blog by MayIrianti
Lawan Pencurian Foto & Konten Blog Fanpage-Facebook
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