
Making Daigaku Imo...again!

Hahahaha....my 3rd time making daigaku Imo in a week! I must admit that I'm addicted to this snack. Last time, I made the caramel too watery so the pieces of sweet potatoes got soggy.

making daigaku imo again :)

You can see the recipe here. This time, I used white sugar (not brown sugar) and I added 1 tsp of vinegar (as Yoko, my Japanese friend suggested) when making the caramel. It prevents sugar crystallization and the pieces of sweet potatoes got sticky.

sweet potatoesdaigaku imo

In my opinion, it's just too sweet when I used white sugar instead of brown sugar. So next time, I'll use brown sugar.


  1. Hi Dit, congrats for the new 'good looking' blog. Btw, ini makanan kayagnya unik, gw belum pernah nyoba, masih membayang2kan aja. Kapan2 masakin yak :)
    Happy blogging *again*!

  2. Wah bikin lagi dia! Cobain pake gula jawa deh. Enak!

  3. dearDhita..
    sore ini penasaran bikin, punyanya ubi Ungu...berhasil dan enak..
    kesalahannya, terlalu tipis motong slices ubinya..jadi lebih ke kripik deh ...hiks..
    dan aku cenderung milih percobaan mu yang kedua...(dikasih air) hadeeeuh aku takut gigiku copot...dengan resep ketiga, agak keras..gigitnya hai2 banget maklum menjelang nenek...hihihi

    1. ahahahaha...iya teh, kalo ketipisan jadi keripik trs ntar ditambahin karamel pulak, malah makin keras.


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