
Cooking Friday # 2 : Banana Cake

Banana Cake Recipe

Inget Banana Cake gue yang resepnya hilang? Sampe sekarang gak ketemu. Emang ajaib banget deh tuh, gue gak inget sama sekali ambil dari mana.

Udah beberapa minggu ini, kami mencanangkan tiap hari Jumat adalah waktunya membuat podcast cooking/baking. Kami memang bukan profesional, gak mahir-mahir amat, kami cuman suka coba-coba, tapi kami berniat membagi pengalaman (syukur-syukur ada ilmu yang bisa didapat) yang kami punya kepada temen-temen yang mau tau resep-resep cooking dan baking yang pernah kami coba.

Kok hari Jumat, soalnya ini berhubungan dengan hari liburnya sang cameraman :P. Biasanya kalo udah menjelang Jumat, Papin udah mulai tanya-tanya, bikin apa kita besok Jumat :)). Akhirnya kita namain Cooking Friday.

Jumat kemaren, kebetulan punya pisang yang udah mateng banget, mo dimakan gitu aja juga udah males, pasti udah lembek banget. Akhirnya gue putusin untuk dibikin cake aja. Browsing sana sini nemu tiga kandidat resep dari Allrecipes, Recipezaar dan Nigella.

Akhirnya diputuskan pake resep Nigella dengan alesan klasik, paling simple dan pasti jadinya :P.

Enjoy the video! Silahkan didownload, semoga berguna :).

Banana Cake
from Nigella.com

Ingredients :
100 grams of butter or margerine
175 grams of sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
grated zest of 1 lemon
100 grams of raisins (optional)
1 tablespoon of Rhum (optional?!!???)
400 grams of (over)ripe bananas, mashed (about 4)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
150 grams roughly chopped nuts (optional)
300 grams flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons milk (optional)

Directions :
Cream butter and sugar together. Easiest is to use the stand-alone mixer, you don't need to bring the butter to room temp first then. Just let the machine churn and churn as you weigh off and prepare the rest of the ingredients. Best use eggs at room temp though.

Add the eggs, churn until the mixture changes in color and becomes light and fluffy.

Add the lemon zest, and if using raisins (or currants, or even cranberries), soak them in the rhum. I usually add a healthy glug of rhum and forget about the raisins alltogether. =)

Add the bananas and the lemon juice. Again, I usually don't measure out the juice but squeeze in roughly a tablespoon's worth, sometimes more.

Once the bananas are mixed in, you might notice the mix looks curdled. Don't worry. Add the nuts (if you want to use them).

Sift flour and baking powder together, or just loosely whisk them together in a bowl. Add to the egg-flour-banana mix and combine.

If the dough/batter seems too heavy, add milk. I usually don't need to because (boozer that I am!) I have already added a healthy dose of rhum!

This is for an oblong caketin about 30 cms long. Butter the tin, line it with parchment. Bake for 75 minutes in an oven preheated at 180 °C.

If making cupcakes, add 2 tablespoons of batter in each cupcake paper. I used the Lakeland ones, the box says 44x25 mm. The batter is enough for 20 cupcakes, plus 9 larger muffin cases (the ones you need for a 12-muffin size muffin tin).

Bake cupcakes for 20 minutes at 180°C, muffins for 25-30 minutes.

I don't like the greyish tinge a lot of banana cakes get. So I always use the darkest type of brown sugar I can get. I also substitute part of the weight of the flour with custard powder for that reason. The bright yellow color kind of masks the grey. You can substitute up to 30 % of the flour in any cake recipe with either corn flour or custard powder. This also helps make your cake lighter. Again, I go by the seat of my pants: Add corn flour/custard powder first, when your bowl is on the scales, and top up with flour.

This cake will keep for up to a week in the fridge, wrapped in tin foil. If it lasts that long... It yields a very moist cake, and the riper the bananas you use, the more fragrant the cake will be.

As you might have gathered, this is a very forgiving recipe. You can play around with the proportions quite a lot. Just make sure the sugar is well-dissolved before adding your other ingredients and use fresh baking powder.

If you don't have any bananas, use other fruit or fruit pulp. I have successfully made this cake with mashed apricots too, I've even topped up the weight of the mashed bananas with applesauce and the result was fine. My sister successfully used rhubarb compote and Mum once used blueberry compote. The result of that one looked a bit halloween-ish though. But it was delicious!

Sometimes I use all the ingredients. Sometimes I don't. I never leave out the lemon juice, though. But leaving out the zest and using chocolate chips instead of nuts is a pretty yummy idea, even though I say so myself.

Hot tip: If you want the tear in the cake to be nice and straight, wet your finger and draw a straight line across the top of the (raw) batter, lengthwise, before putting it in the oven. Or have a knife at the ready, and as soon as you see your cake starting to rise, cut the top with the knife (lengthwise). The tear will follow that line.

If the top of the (large) cake browns too much, cover with tin foil to protect it and prevent more browning.


  1. plok...plok...plooookkk...
    videonya kereeeen, seneng nontonnya. Background musicnya baguus.
    Dit, Sabtu ini gw mudik, 5 mgg (monsoon break-bukan summer break). Kayagnya gak sempet ikutan HFP#3 ya. Berikut2nya aja deh ya.
    Take care ya.
    Hugs for the krucils.

  2. makasih Van :).

    Duuhhh yang mo mudik. Have a safe trip and a nice vacation ya. Selamat jajan macem-macem deh :P.

    Hugs buat P&P.

  3. ditaa keren boww pideonya...:P btw, itu lengkap banget peralatan perang loe..:D...

  4. makasih, moga berguna. Lengkap apanya Sye? Standar mixer doang :P. Lengkap khas amatir :D

  5. kekekeke masalahnya gue ga punya semua...wakakakak..sampe sendok yang loe pakeitu gue ga punya ada nya yang sendok teh doang :P...

    btw gue tunggu round up yak :P

  6. dibuka ya mamin banananya.....
    ikutan arwen ma adek ah .. aaaaaaahhhhhh....ahhhhhh......ahhhhhhhrrr....
    hehehehe... seru banget, klo gak gini
    mana aku tau suara kamu hehehh...
    keren pedeonya

  7. videonya keren, kuenya juga.

  8. @ Elsye : gue itu merasa harus punya sendok ukur dan gelas ukur karna gue males bgt nimbang, Sye :P.

    @ Rita : jadi gimana menurutmu, mbak, sudah layak suaraku untuk masuk Indonesian Idol...wakakakakakkk

    @ Chenmarlin : maaf bu, nama aslinya sapa ya? biar enak gitu menyapanya ;). MAkasih ya, moga videonya berguna.

  9. masya ampun Dit, gw di entertain nih ama lo. videonya seru pisan!! anak2 lu energic gitu. One harmonic family you have.

    btw, I feel better loh soalle gw pikir sink gw aja yg penuh dgn cucian piring... gk taunya ada temennya gw qiqiiqqii

  10. @ Dwi : hahahaha.....gak dosa kan berbagi keriaan? :P
    Iya tuh soal sink, gue heran, kenapa sink gue selalu penuh ya. Perasaan gue udah nyuci nyuci dan nyuci lagi, tapi kok gak pernah kosong?

  11. Dit, gw punya resep kue pisang keju-nya Venezuela. elo pasti suka dweh. nanti yaa gw posting.

    eh soal cucian piring, sama aja ma gw. elo ma Dwi mah masih mending krn lebih dari 2 orang. nah gw, cuma berdua tapi penuuh terus aja gitu itu sink.

  12. Anonymous4:40 AM

    bolu pisang emang temennya si over ripe banana kalau nggak suka kerasa rada2 sepet gitu dan kurang wangi.

    ngomong2 ttg sink, sink gw mah selalu penuh dan cuma kosong kalo udah masuk ke mesin cuci hehehe belum lagi persendokan, gw soalnya selalu pake sendok baru kalo mau ngambil saus di beda botol. at least kalo masaknya heboh, bisa ada 6 sendok sendiri tuh.

  13. wah panjang ya cara buatnya. mendingan pilih yang banana cake amanda deh. simple.hehehe

  14. Anonymous6:11 AM

    mb dita,,
    numpang liat2 ya,,
    seru deh masak brg anak,,pengen nyobain juga msk brg anak ku jadinya

  15. mba dita, inspiring sekali :) terima kasih ada videonya jd jelas bgt step by stepnya. kebetulan di rumah ada pisang jg, dicobain ya resepnya :)

  16. mba dita, inspiring sekali dengan segala kesibukannya masih sempet bikin kue dan fotonya bagus2. Aku cobain ya resepnya :) thanks


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