
Slice n Bite

Pastry yang berselimut meringue kacang ini, gue dapet dari buku jadul nyokap, yang judulnya "Cakes and Baking" karangan Moya Maynard, mantan editor majalah Living. Moya Maynard ini terkenal dengan resep-resep modifikasinya yang ekonomis. Di buku ini terdapat pula berbagai macam resep praktis cake, cookies, pastry dan roti bikinan rumah.

Kalo kita perhatiin, penampakannya seperti cookies yah, tapi di dalam buku ini, si "Nut Slice" masuk dalam dalam kategory pastry. Karena memang adonan dasarnya menggunakan adonan untuk kulit pie (which is termasuk kategori pastry, selain quiche dan tarts). Cucok banget buat temen minum kopi di sore hari...YUMMY!!

Resepnya sendiri gue modifikasi dengan rasa dan aroma moka. Bikinnya? Guampang!

Nut Slice

Bahan :
75 gr margarine/butter
50 gr soft light brown sugar
2 eggs, separated
175 gr self-raising flour, sifted
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (gue ganti moka essence)
75 gr caster sugar
25 gr walnuts, chopped (gue pake kacang tanah cincang)
25 gr glace cherries, chopped

Cara membuat :
1. Beat the margarine and brown sugar together until pale and fluffy, then beat in the egg yolks.
2. Stir in the flour and essence.
3. Press the mixture over the base of greased and based-line 20x30 cm swiss roll tin.
4. Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then whisk in caster sugar, 1 tblsp at a time (pake mikser yah). Fold in nuts and cherries (diaduk rata).
5. Spread the nut mixture over the crumble base, to within 1/4 in of the edges.
6. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 C for 20-30 minutes, until nut topping is set and brown.
7. Cut into slices while still hot, then leave to cool in the tin.
Makes 12 slices.

Sumber : Cakes and Baking by Moya Maynard

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sumpe nih looks yummy banget..


thanks for dropping by :)