
Churros Ceria


Dulu jaman muda (halah kayak yang uda tuwir ajah), waktu masih kerja di bilangan Kebon Jeruk dan Meruya, gue punya langganan kedai kecil yang menjual Churros. Hmmmm...churrosnya enyak banget dah gitu fillingnya macem-macem. Dulu sih cuman tertarik makan dan beli :P. Bertahun-tahun kemudian setelah gue makin tertarik "bertempur" di dapur dan kejebur dalam dunia baking-baking-an, gue lebih tertarik untuk bikin sendiri.

Nah, kemaren-kemaren pas lagi sakaw pengen baking, buka-buka file resep, nemu resep Churros-nya Martha Stewart. Yaaahhhh hiyyaaaaa...tapi musti pake mixer...putus asa deh, secara gue blun beli mixer. Akhirnya gue browsing around and end up di dapur-nya Rita (thanks Rit). Voila...resepnya gak butuh mixer...langsung tancep gas deh!

Nyelupin ke coklatnya dibantuin the Krucils :). Mereka seneng dapet mainan, emaknya puyeng bebersih abis messy banget.



Ingredients :
75 g butter, diced
250 ml cup water
115 g plain all-purpose flour
15 g caster sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
chocolate for dipping or powder sugar

Directions :
1. Heat the butter and water in a small heavy pan until the butter has melted, do not allow the water to boil. Sift the flour and 15 g of caster sugar on to a piece of greaseproof paper.
2. Once the butter has melted bring to a boil, then add the flour and sugar. Remove the pan from the heat and beat the mixture vigorously. Leave to cool for 5 minutes, then gradually beat in the eggs until the mixture is smooth and glossy.
3. Half-fill a large, heavy pan or deep-fryer with oil and heat to 375 degrees F. Spoon the mixture into apiping bag with a star nozzle. Pipe the mixture into the hot oil being careful not to cause the fat to splash or spit. Fry the churros for 2 minutes or until golden and crisp.
4. Remove the churros from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Repeat until all the mixture has been used. Dipped in chocolate or powder sugar. Serve.

Source : dapurnya Rita


  1. Dit, Kebon Jeruk-Meruya-nya di daerah mana? Daerah gue tuh waktu jaman SMP-SMA. Kok gue gak pernah denger ttg Churros ya? Ketauan gak gaul nih....hehehe.
    Dulu gue sering nunggu mikrolet M11ato kopaja 609 di depan supermarket Jamesons (buset, memori gue masih okeh juga...kekekek).

  2. di Mal Puri Indah, Sheil. Tapi keknya sekarang uda gak ada. Enyak bgt tuh churros, gede-gede lagi trus pake fillig bukan sekedar dicelupin coklat.


thanks for dropping by :)