
Puff Pastry Soup

In Indonesia, we called this Zupa Soup (I don't know what's the idea of using this name). Zupa means Soup, right? ;). Similar with Puff Pastry soup because it uses puff pastry on top.

Zupa Soup 3

This is a great way when you're too lazy to cook. You can use canned soup but we've never consumed any canned soup. Sure, canned soups are easy but most have an especially high sodium content (even the low ones are high, is it not?). Since I've found a homemade-way to do it, I always make it on my own. Our favorite is creamy soup, made with flour and butter roux.

And I bring this soup as a potluck for MFM # 18 : Flour hosted by Ienas.

Puff Pastry Soup

Zupa Soup

Ingredients :
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic, add more if you're garlic maniac like me ;)
1 tbsp finely chopped onions
2 tbsp all purpose flour
4 cups chicken broth
Chicken, cut into tiny pieces, if you like
Carrots, cut into tiny bites
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 tbsp whipping cream (optional)

For Pastry Hat :
Ready made pastry. You can buy this from any big supermarkets.
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten

Directions :
1. Heat some butter. Saute garlic and the onions, then whisk in the flour to make a smooth roux.
2. Slowly add chicken broth while stirring. Simmer, stir often, till thickened. Add chicken, carrots and mushroom. Bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Add the cream to taste. Remove from heat. Let it cool.
3. Take the pastry which had been thawed. Cut it into round shape if you like, or leave it in its square shape. Fill the oven-safe mug with the soup about 3/4 full. Brush the rim of the mug with the egg and lay the pastry on top. Press down the sides. Brush the top of the pastry with the remaining egg wash. Bake at 375 F for about 15 to 20 minutes until the pastry is golden.
4. Serve warm.


  1. dari kemaren aku jg pgn bikin soup ginian tp kok lopa trs :D bsk ah bikin :) mumpung ada pastry beku di friser :D

  2. dari dulu penasaran pengen bikin soup kayak gini, pengen bikin tapi pengennya pake pastry bikinan sendiri... jadinya gak pernah bikin deh :))

  3. Anonymous3:01 AM

    endang nih dit, gue pengen banget bikin ini cuma selalu kebentur cari puff pastry nya..:((( bete deh

  4. belum pernah nich gw bikin....kayaknya enak jg,jd inget olala

  5. thx banget dit,sewaktu dijkt..gue kl diresto liat ini soup&pastry selalu mikir gimana caranya naroin pastry diatas..oh ternyata..


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