
Mango Ice Cream

Another summertime delight. What do you want the most, to refresh your day in a 50˙C day? Yup 50˙C, I'm not joking.

Ice Minty Tea

For me, I had enough with a cup of ice mint tea. But the girls? Their day wouldn't be complete without a glass of ice cream. And lucky me, they wouldn't mind to eat mommy's homemade ice cream ;).

Mango Ice Cream

And our favorite one is fruit based ice cream. This time I made mango ice cream. I used the pomegranate ice cream recipe. Sustituted the pomegranate with mango and skipped the balsamic vinegar.

Mango Ice Cream

Another Ice Cream Recipes, no ice cream maker is needed :
1. Nuttela Ice Cream
2. Cocoa Ice Cream
3. Strawberry Ice Cream
4. Pomegranate Ice Cream


  1. please...give me one glass....hiks...hiks

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    *ngelap monitor*

  3. gilee ngilerrr buuu
    astaga kg kebayang 50C? aduhh kudu 24 jam AC nyala tuh..

  4. Anonymous1:28 AM

    waah panas sekali yah, disini 37 saja, sudah minta ampun, AC seakan tidak berfungsi. Tetapi ada Ice Cream yg bisa mendinginkan sebentar, ngiler deh.

  5. Anonymous4:27 AM

    gue belum cukup nih makan es krim...:P minta ama loe deh DIt..yummyyy benerrr penampakannya

  6. to all : makasih semua buat kunjungannya. Silahkan dijilat es krimnya :). Puanas banget soalnya di sini, pengennya makan yang seger2 terus!

  7. maaaak, gw lg bikin es krim mangga, mo nyari ide buat poto, eh nemu poto yg ini disini... http://showrecipe.com/mango-ice-cream dah ijin kaaaah ?


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