
How Do I Shoot My Foodie Pics?

I received some comments and e-mails questioning about my foodie pics. One of the e-mail comes from my dearest friend, Patricia Scarpin *don't worry dear, I have no secret. I don't mind at all and gladly share it*. First, let me apologize for taking so long to answer your questions.

The reason why do I post my answer here, is because this topic is interesting and I want to share it among my other friends whose got the same question.

The question is how do I get such a light and white background in my pics?

I may not good in explaining, so I try to figure it out by picture. Hope, it's understandable.

Lighting is the important key here. I always shoot my food pics with a natural lighting close to the window. I never use direct sunlight, because it's just too harsh.

Another important point is the right angle. This is my favorite angle. You can see where the light comes from. Yes, I tend to use backlight to get such a light and white background. Sometimes, it looks a bit burned out on the background but I love the effect.

This is the Yakitori Shot!

Can you see where the light comes from? Yes it comes from the back of the object.

Hope it helps. Just let me know, if you have any question :)


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    aha! gue kira elo kalo motret gak pernah pake BG Dit...
    good idea buat bikin BG kayak gitu *2 jempol*
    sering-sering ya, sharing kayak gini.. thanks

  2. You are such a dear! It helps a lot, darling. Thank you for sharing - it means the world to me!


    P.S.: I would love to have Arwen and Leia as my cute little helpers, too. ;)

  3. Anonymous1:17 AM

    sering2 nulis/sharing beginian yah jadi bisa belajar moto

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    dita, gue seneng banget elo punya foto2 kan & pas ngintip art corner nya elo, wah...bener2 deh ibu satu ini perlu di jempolin :D

  5. Sefa : ya pake lah Fa. Itu kebetulan gue bisa memanfaatkan korden. Kalo gak ya pake vitrage aja Fa, gue liat di jendela lo ada kan? Moga berguna ya Fa.

    Patricia : You're the most welcome, dear.

    Anonymous : ini namanya sapa ya, kok gak ada nama? ;)

    Eliza : makasih ya mpok. Isengggg!!!!

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    sip..mantab deh..tambah banyak deh ilmu yg didapet...suwun sharingnya mbak yu...

  7. thank you for sharing ya Dit...aku sekarang pake tips darimu untuk foto2 beads dll (belum sabar motretin makanan)...jadi gak malu2in lagi deh hasilnya ;-))

  8. Anonymous7:45 PM

    ditaa..thanks ya ilmunya :)
    hairunnisa-facebook he..he

  9. Wooow amazing work
    What a perfect lens to use for this kind of pics?


thanks for dropping by :)