
Blondies aka Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies

This is a very recommended cookies recipe!! Leia and Arwen couldn't stop eating these cookies until the jar is empty, so did I *gaswat deh*.

Blondies Cookies

Please don't skip the butterscotch chips! They are the key ingredients. That's the secret to have a butterscotch fragrant in your cookies.

Blondies Cookies

source : Cooks

Ingredients :
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. soda
1 c. shortening
3/4 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. white sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 c. pecans (dita-I used peanuts)
1 pkg. butterscotch chips
2 c. quick oatmeal
1 tsp. vanilla

Directions :
Cream shortening and sugar; add slightly beaten egg and vanilla. Then add flour mixed with baking soda. Then add oatmeal, nuts and butterscotch chips. Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes until light brown.

Blondies Cookies

Another cookies recipes :
1. Cheese Biscuits
2. Banana Pistachio Biscotti
3. Sesame Cookies
4. Rhubarb Cookies
5. Banana Chocolate Chips Cookies
6. French Macarons
7. Jam Drop
8. Cookies Time
9. Colourful Cookies
10. Lontong Paris
11. Nut Slice


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    gue nih lagi mood bikin kukis, soalnya lagi demen ngemil :D
    butterscotch chips gue sptnya belum pernah liat deh, tapi begitu nemu, gue beli dan segera mencoba kukis ini - thanks Dit utk resepnya

  2. dit, butterscotch chips kayak apa yah? heheh.. dusun nih :D. yang memper2 rasanya sama mahluk ini kira2 apa? maklum di pulau kecil mana ada barang2 aneh.
    thx yaa.. *pengen nyobaaa...*

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    ini kayaknya kudu gue coba deh, tapi mesti cari butterscotch :D

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Salam kenal mbak Dita
    Blognya menarik sekali mbak. Apalagi ada report kegiatan serunya mbak bareng anak2 di cooking friday. Boleh ya mbak aku contek resep2 & art projectnya untuk dipraktekin bareng anakku di rumah :)

  5. Oh, Dita!! Tell the girls to save some for auntie Patricia, please! :)

  6. Hi Dita, where in Kuwait can I buy the butterscotch chips? And where will I find cookie sheets? Thank you for your help

  7. @ N : you can find both of them at Sultan center :)


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