
CLICK : January 2009 - RED Chili Sauce

Many Indonesian can't live without sambal or chili sauce :D. We usually make our own fresh sambal not the kind packed in a bottle. There are countless recipes for chili sauces in Indonesia (sambal kacang or nut chili sauce, sambal kemiri or candlenut chili sauce, sambal bawang or onion chili sauce, etc). Indonesian sambal usually come as a thick paste, and are used either as a dipping sauce or in stirfrying.

One of the most common sambal recipe use these ingredients : bird eye chili, sometimes cayenne, dried shrimp paste (terasi), coconut sugar, tomato and salt.

And here's my entry for CLICK : January 2009 - RED

Chili Sauce

Another shots of Red Chili Sauce :

Chili Sauce Chili Sauce
Chili Sauce


  1. sendok kayunya pengen Dit..

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Wow awesome clicks... Nice entry...

  3. Setuju! Apalah artinya hidup ini tanpa sambal... Well, tepanya sih, apa artinya makanan indonesia tanpa sambal, apalagi buat gw orang Manado. Tapi karena tempat gw sekarang ini cabai tidak tersedia melimpah, apalagi musim dingin begini, ya sudahlah, harus terima nasib, pake sambal botol. Makanya pas kemarin nemu cabai merah (gede banget, panjangnya bisa mencapai 10 cm, gemuk2 pula!), langsung gw bikin saus sambal botol. Biar tahan lama!

    Cakep banget fotonya! Yang coklat-coklat pake bawang goreng di sampingnya juga sama-sama menggiurkan, tuh, Di!

  4. cantikkkk fotone Makkk..gutlak yaaa

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hallo Mbak Dita, sering ngintip2 nich saya tapi jarang leave comments...fotonya cantikkk! goodluck yach Mbak!

  6. brilliant photo! your lighting is perfect :)

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM

    bagus banget potonya!!

  8. ...gosh..u'r pictures are seriously gorgeous...hope u don't me adding your blog's link to my blog..coincidently i took the 'senduk' photo for my latest entry...but yours is really superb...need to learn more from you...love your pics!!

  9. superb pictures maaakkk, selalu

  10. i've been a silent reader to ur blog..thanks to my cousin peps i eventually found ur blog. i must say u r gifted in baking n photography. n u have cute children too..hehee

    nway, i did linked ur blog to me. i hope u don't mind..


thanks for dropping by :)