Udah lama banget penasaran sama yang namanya Brownies Kukus alias Brokus asli Bandung (orang Bandung emang kreatif ya, mengkreasikan aneka makanan). Rasa pengen tahu itu tersimpan cukup lama sejalan dengan euphoria massa yang lagi gandrung Brokus ini *kasiman deh gue!*. Sampe akhirnya suatu hari, mbak Yuli Proyekdapurku inspirasiku, dengan cintanya *hehehehe thank u, mbak, berkat dirimu gue jadi gak ketinggalan jaman ngrasain brokus* menghantarkan daku bingkisan berisi Brokus bikinan sendiri, menyusul resep keesokan harinya. Hmmmm enak, gak terlalu manis, berasa pahit-pahit coklat, teksturnya kayak bolu gak kayak brownies panggang yang ada crispy-crispy coklatnya. Cucok banget buat temen minum teh atau kopi di pagi hari. atau ditambahin es krim...YUMMYY!! Tapi tetep...gue lebih mengidolakan brownies panggang *namanya juga brownies gitu loh, kayaknya gak terima aja, ada brownies dikukus, rasanya jadi kayak bolu pulak :)*.
Kejadian itu udah berlalu beberapa bulan dan baru sekarang gue punya kesempatan buat praktek sendiri. Berhubung tangan udah gatel pengen ngocok telur, tapi males nyala-nyalain oven, akhirnya kepikiran untuk bikin sesuatu yang dikukus. Jadilah si resep brokus sasaran tembak gue! Adonan gue bagi 2, satu pake loyang 7x18x7, sisanya masuk ke dalam mangkuk-mangkuk cetakan bolu kukus, lucu deh jadi cupcake gitu, tinggal ditambahin topping macem-macem.
Brownies Kukus Coklat
Bahan A :
200 gr butter
150 gr coklat block
Bahan B :
4 btr telur ayam
250 gr gula pasir
1 sdt TBM (gue gak pake)
1/2 sdt garam (gue gak pake)
Bahan C :
150 gr tepung terigu
20 gr tepung maizena
40 gr susu bubuk
40 gr coklat bubuk
Bahan D :
100 gr coklat meisis
Cara Membuatnya :
1. Cairkan bahan A lalu dinginkan.
2. Kocok bahan B sampai mengembang
3. Masukan Bahan A ke dalam bahan B aduk sampai merata.
4. Masukan bahan C secara bertahap lalu aduk sampai merata.
5. Tuangkan adonan setengah loyang, lalu kukus sampai matang kurang lebih 10 menit, lalu angkat.
6. Taburkan coklat mesis kedalam kue yang sudah matang, lalu tutup dengan sisa adonan. Lalu kukus lagi sampai matang kurang lebih 15 menit, setelah itu angkat.
Sumber : hasil chatting dengan mbak Yuli Proyekdapurku atas dasar resep Sahak Pribadi.
* * *
I've been curious enough on Steamed Brownies aka Bandung Brownies (Bandung fulls with creative people who knows how to make good food). I've been keeping my curiousity long enough along with the mass euphoria who also love this steamed brownies. *poor me* Until one day Mbak Yuli Proyekdapurku, my inspiration, brought me her own made steamed brownies and the recipe itself on the following day*thanks to you, mba yuli, I can taste the steamed brownies too* Hmm..it's delicious, not too sweet, taste like the chocolate, its texture similar was much more like cake, instead of baked brownies with its crisp chocolates. It's perfect for morning coffee or tea.. or added with ice cream.. YUMMY!! However, I'm still the admirer of baked brownies * it's brownies, right.. like I could not accept that there's also steamed brownies, which also taste like cake :)*
That was happening a few months ago and I just got a chance to try the recipe. My hand was already eager to batter the eggs, but I was lazy to turn on the oven. Then it struck my mind to make something that can be steamed. That's how I create my own steamed brownies. I divided the dough into 2, one dough used pan bake 7x18x7, and the rest was put into muffin cups. Almost look like cupcake and we can add various toppings.
Ingredients A :
200 gr butter
150 gr dark chocolate, chopped
Ingredients B :
4 eggs
250 gr caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Ingredients C :
150 gr all purpose fluor
20 gr cornstarch
40 gr milk powder
40 gr cocoa powder
Ingredients D :
100 gr chocolate sprinkles
Direction :
1. Melt ingredients A and set aside until cold.
2. Mix ingredients B and stirr until combined.
3. Put ingredients A into B, stirr and mix well until combined.
4. Put ingreadients C in batches, and mix well until combined.
5. Pour the dough into pan bake, half of it, and steamed until cooked, for around 10 minutes.
6. Spread chocolate into the cooked cakes, and put the additional dough. And steam again until cooked for 15 minutes, and remove from the heat.
Source: a resulf of chatting with mbak Yuli Proyekdapurku, based on the recipe of Sahak Pribadi.
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