Hal kayak gini emang penyakitnya Sus. Makanya panas oven harus rata dan cukup tinggi (bolak-balik wejangan Mama daku camkan). Udah gitu jangan bolak-balik dibuka kalo belum mateng dan naik bener. Trus trik gue (belajar dari pengalaman Sus collapse yang pertama), setelah waktu pemanggangan habis, waktunya gue tambahin 5 menit dengan suhu oven yang diturunin pelan-pelan (pake tehnik cooled slower to prevent collapsing), jadi begitu keluar oven, si Sus gak kaget.
Waktu pertama kali nyoba bikin, gue sempet pesimis, Sus gue gak bakalan jadi. Ternyata emang dasar spiritnya spirit putus asa, bener aja Sus gue gak jadi, adonan terlalu cair kemungkinan karena kebanyakan telur (padahal gue dah ngikutin takaran telurnya sesuai resep. Mungkin karena telur yang gue pake bisa dibilang gede-gede, jadi banyak cairannya). Adonan cair gitu gak ngarepin ngembang bagus deh!
Kali ini dengan semangat keberuntungan gue mencoba lagi dan optimis berat :). Pada saat masukin telur juga hati-hati, satu-satu dimasukin berhubung gue pake telur-telur yang gede lagi (gak kayak waktu itu yang dimasukin sekaligus ke adonan), sambil merhatiin konsistensi adonan.
Akhirnya....inilah Sus gue! Penaklukan berhasil! Gak kempes! *hehehe...norak deh!* Walopun emang bentuknya gue bikin gak gede-gede tapi mini-mini. Buat fillingnya, karena bosen sama vla biasa, akhirnya nyobain bikin vla butter cream dengan extra rhum. Hhhhmmm YUMMY!! Buat yang suka gurih pake filling ragout ayam juga okeh.
Bonne Chance!! et Bon Appetit!! :)P
Sus Merdeka
Bahan :
250 ml air
150 gr margarin
1/2 sendok teh garam (gue gak pake garem)
150 gram tepung terigu
5 butir telur
Bahan Vla :
375 ml susu cair
75 gr gula pasir
25 gr tepung maizena
1/4 sdt garam
1 kuning telur, kocok lepas
Rhum secukupnya
Bahan Butter Cream :
125 gr mentega
50 gr mentega putih
50 gr susu kental manis
Rhum secukupnya
Cara membuat Sus :
1. Rebus air, margarin, dan garam hingga mendidih.
2. Masukkan tepung terigu lalu aduk hingga kalis, angkat lalu dinginkan.
3. Setelah dingin, masukkan telur satu per satu sambil terus dikocok dengan mixer hingga kental dan rata (gue gak pake mixer tapi aduk pake sendok kayu).
4. Semprotkan adonan ke atas loyang.
5. Panggang hingga mengembang dan kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, dinginkan.
6. Belah sus, masukkan isi lalu hidangkan.<
Cara membuat Vla :
1. Rebus susu, gula, tepung maizena, dan garam sambil diaduk hingga meletup-letup.
2. Tuang tiga sendok adonan ke dalam kuning telur, aduk rata.
3. Tuang kembali campuran telur ke dalam adonan sambil terus diaduk hingga kembali meletup-letup.
4. Angkat dari api lalu tambahkan mentega, aduk hingga agak dingin.
5. Setelah dingin, tambahkan rhum. Aduk rata.
Cara membuat Butter Cream :
1. Kocok mentega dan mentega putih hingga lembut dan ringan.
2. Masukkan susu kental manis, kocok lagi sampai lembut.
3. Masukkan rhum. Aduk rata.
4. Tambahkan vla dingin lalu aduk rata.
Sumber : NCC
* * *
Today I'm feeling lucky, so I decided to conquer 'pate a choux' aka choux pastry or kue Sus:) (click here for history of choux pastry) Hehehe.. seems like it's soo hard to make kue Sus. Actually it's not difficult, but tricky. If we follow step by step of the recipe, it's easy, however when it's ready to be baked.. .it's a heartbeat process.. ." is it going to be a flat kue Sus or not? (gotta think totally flat)."
That's the unique thing about kue Sus. The oven temperature should be quite high and the heat should be spread evenly inside (according to my Mom's). Don't try to open the oven when it's not cooked well. Another trick that I got from the first experience when baking my first kue Sus, after it has reached the baking time, I add the time by 5 minutes and the oven temperature is slowly reduced (this is called: cooled slower to prevent collapsing), so when the sus cake is out of the oven, it will be adjusting to the room temperature.
On first trial, I wasn't confident that the kue Sus wouldn't be well done. It did affect my spirit, so the Sus wasn't a success. The mixing was not solid enough, probably because too many eggs (though I've had measured it exactly the same as the recipe. Or it's probably because of the eggs. I used big egg, that has more liquid compared to normal egg). Too many liquid won't result in pretty kue Sus!
Now with the lucky spirit, I tried again, this time fully optimistic :) I carefully mix in the egg into the bowl one by one, as I still use the big eggs (not like the first trial which I put all the eggs together once), and I keep on watching the mixing.
Finally...here's my kue Sus! I've succeded in conquering it! It's not flat! *hehehe.. I'm such a dork!* Though I did not make it big, rather mini. For the filling, as I'm bored with the usual vla, I finally tried to make a vla butter cream with extra rhum. Hmmm.. YUMMY! Anyone who likes chicken ragout filling would do the same.
Bonne Chance! et Bon Appetit :)P
Sus Merdeka
Ingredients :
250 ml water
150 gr butter
1/2 tsp salt
150 gr fluor
5 eggs
Ingredients for Custard filling :
375 ml evaporated milk
75 gr caster sugar
25 gr cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg yolk, beat
Ingredients for Butter Cream :
125 gr butter
50 gr white butter
50 gr sweet condensed milk
Direction for Sus :
1. Heat the water, salt and butter until the butter melts. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
2. Immediately add the flour and stir quickly with a wooden spoon, until smooth. Set the mixture over low heat and stir for about 30 seconds. Remove and allow to cool for a few minutes.
3. Add eggs one by one and beat it thouroughly into the mixture, until the mixture is smooth.
4. Shape the dough while warm according to the recipe using.
5. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Direction for Custard filling :
1. Boil together milk, sugar, corn starch and salt. Keep stirring until bubbly.
2. Add 3 table spoon of the mix into egg yolks, mix well.
3. Put the egg into the dough, while keep on stirring until bubbly again.
4. Remove from the heat and add butter, stirr until cold.
5. Add rhum. Stirr well.
Direction for Butter Cream :
1. Mix butter and white butter together, and stirr until soft
2. Add sweet condensed milk and stirr it again until soft.
3. Add the rhum. Stirr and mix well.
4. Add custard filling and stirr well.
Source : NCC
hm.kira-kira apa ya isinya yang dikeranjang?!
ReplyDeleteYang di keranjang isinya angin, mas...kekekekek...alias masih kopong :)
ReplyDeletewakakakaksss... beneran, dit. sus memang musti 200C ke atas. ada teknik lain, bakar pake suhu panas, trus turunkan ke suhu sedang, tapi bakarnya musti lama, dan jangan diintip!