
KBB # 11 : Ontbijtkoek

Here we go.... Klub Berani Baking's challenge # 11 : Ontbijtkoek!

This is my first experiment with Ontbijtkoek. Apparently, it's easy to make and the ingredients are so easy to find. My family really love it. I made this cake 3 times. The first one, I used brown sugar because I didn't have coconut sugar/palm sugar at the moment I baked it. The texture was so soft but a bit fragile to cut. And I think, I baked it too long (1 hour). The second attempt, I used different recipe (will post it soon) which doesn't use egg. The third times, I used the same recipe as the first time, the KBB recipe but now I have palm sugar :). The cake become more dense and dry, and the baking time took only 30 minutes. I don't know why it has different texture with the first one. Was it because of the sugar I used? And different baking time?

But overall, I'm satisfied with this recipe. And one more thing, I found out that the almond I spread before the cake goes to the oven is better way rather than waiting for 20 minutes in the oven as the recipe suggested.

My first attempt

source : Kue-Kue Indonesia. Yasa Boga-PT Gramedia Jakarta. 2007

Ingredients :
125g palm sugar

5 egg yolks

3 egg whites

mix together :

125g flour,

1 tsp ground cinnamon,

½ tsp ground nutmeg,

¼ tsp ground clove

50g almond, thinly slices (used slivered will do too)

Directions :

1. Beat the yolks, whites and sugar until fluffy and thick.
2. Fold in the sifted flour and spices, mix well. Pour into a lined and greased then floured loaf tin.

KBB Ontbijtkoek

3. Scatter the sliced almonds on top and then bake for 20 minutes at 170˙C, turn the oven to 150˙C for 10-15 more minutes or until the cake is well golden brown and cooked.

Ontbijtkoek Picnik collage
The third attempt


  1. paling demen dah liat blognya mbak Ditta. Potonya keren2 ^_^

  2. Dit, tekstur di foto yg pertama persis sama kyk yg sy bikin tuh.
    Kl yg terakhir kyknya lebih padet ya?
    Foto2nya cuantiikk...

  3. sama Dit, gw juga seneng banget dgn hasilnya. duh jadi pengen bikin lagi nih.

  4. di rumah jg pada syuka mak. ampe ini ari dah bikin 4 kali in total hihihi...


thanks for dropping by :)