Nutella Ice Cream
Ceritanya deal or no deal bikin es krim tanpa es krim maker sama Elsye, Pepy, Widya dan Sheila *bok-ebok pada ke mana nih?* Gue pilih resep yang direkomen sama Pepy, Nutella Ice Cream-nya Clotilde. Sebenernya karena penasaran juga, gimana ceritanya Nutella bisa jadi es krim? :).
Di resep memang instruksinya bikin pake ice cream maker, tapi dijelasin juga es krim ini bisa dibuat tanpa es krim maker (asal rajin ngaduk aja yee, mak!).
Hasil jadinya...mantabh coklatnya...nyoklat banget! Trus gue tambahin cacahan kacang mede...hmmm...
Cuman teksturnya lembut banget, jadi gampang lumer. Gapapa sih sebenernya, cuman kalo buat difoto, agak-agak susyee, karena gampang cair.
Booo...gaswat nih makan manis mulu!
Super Simple Nutella Ice Cream
Ingredients :
350 grams (= 12 1/3 ounces = 1 1/2 cups = 360 ml) store-bought chocolate hazelnut spread, preferably all-natural and organic
410 grams (= 14 1/2 ounces = 1 1/2 cups + 1 tablespoon = 380 ml) unsweetened evaporated milk
Makes about 750 ml (3/4 quart).
Directions :
Pre-freeze the bowl of your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Combine the chocolate hazelnut spread and the evaporated milk in a medium mixing bowl, and stir with a whisk until they become one, voluptuous and smooth. Depending on the texture of the spread you're using, this may take a few minutes; don't get discouraged. (To speed things up, you may use a blender/stick blender/stand mixer, or gently heat the evaporated milk beforehand.)
Cover and refrigerate until well chilled. Whisk again and churn in your ice cream maker.
If you don't have an ice cream maker, you can still make this recipe on a day when you're home most of the time. Prepare the mixture in the morning and chill for two hours. Pour into a freezer-safe container and place in the freezer. Every hour or so, remove the container from the freezer, draw the sides in with a fork (the ice cream will set on the sides first), stir vigorously, and return to the freezer. Your ice cream will be ready by dinnertime.
The only problem with that method -- besides requiring a little elbow grease -- is that the ice cream becomes quite solid the next day. Just take it out of the freezer for 15 minutes to soften before you scoop some out.
Source : Chocolate and Zucchini
Gue pokoknya harus nyoba yg satu ini!! Gue maniak sama Nutella soalnya. Sori Bu, gak ikutan DoND. Anak gue yg plg buncit msh sakit nih. Udah hampir 4 hari suhu badannya panas terus. Ntar sore pengen ke rmh sakit. Moga2 aja gak ada apa2 :(
ReplyDeleteWaduhh Dit, bukan gw gak ikutan neh, cuman akhir2 ini mood2an ditambah cuaca bikin BT, masak spring ehh tau2 pagi saljuan trs malamnya -19 duhh capek dweh. Ditambah gawean gw jadwalnya ajaib jdnya tunggu longgar dulu yeee..
ReplyDeletesokey ebok-ebok :)...nyante ajah :P
ReplyDeletekereeeeennnn potona....