
Creamy Sunny Morning

Salah satu alternatif breakfast yang ringkes, mudah dan cepat disajikan adalah Creamy Jagung Rebus. Itu loh, jagung rebus ala gerai-gerai kecil yang suka ada di mal-mal, disajikan dalam cup kecil dengan aneka rasa asin, asin manis, manis, pedas, dsb. Mamin suka, Papin suka dan Arwen pun gak nolak.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan juga gak neko-neko, asal punya jagung manis, lebih praktis lagi kalo pake frozen corn yang udah berbentuk pipilan-pipilan. Tambahin susu, butter, keju, dll sesuai selera, jadi deh sarapan yang mengenyangkan dan YUMMY! Kalo mo lebih sehat, bisa ditambahin brokoli rebus, suwiran daging ayam/smoked beef.

Jagung memang termasuk mudah untuk diolah menjadi apa aja. Bisa dibikin bakwan jagung, muffin jagung, sup jagung, sandwich jagung with tuna, es krim bahkan jus, dll.

Resep sederhana ini emang gak pake takaran akurat...hehehehe...yang dipake takaran ala Mamin :P

Pagi-pagi sarapan jagung creamy plus segelas susu, kenyang nuendang loh! :)

Creamy Jagung Pedas

Bahan :
3 genggam frozen corn
brokoli secukupnya
ayam suwir/smoked beef iris tipis secukupnya
2 sdt susu kental manis
10 gr salted butter
3 sdm keju parut
sambal botol secukupnya
air secukupnya untuk merebus

Cara membuat :
1. Rebus jagung bersama ayam/smoked beef sampai matang, buang air sisa rebusan, sisihkan.
2. Rebus brokoli setengah matang, sisihkan.
3. Taruh jagung rebus dalam mangkuk, selagi panas campur butter dan keju, agar meleleh ke dalam mangkuk jagung.
4. Suwiri ayam/potong tipis-tipis smoked beef, campur ke dalam jagung.
5. Terakhir taburi dengan brokoli rebus.
6. Sajikan dengan sambal botol.

* * *

One simple alternative and easily prepared for breakfast is Boiled Creamy Corn. It is actually boiled corn sold at small counters that we can find in the shopping centers/malls. The corn has different taste, salty, sweet, hot etc and it's prepared in a paper cup. Mamin and Papin like it, and Arwen does like it.

What you need is simple, you only have to buy sweet corn. Or more practical, you could use frozen corn. Add milk, butter, cheese etc, whichever you like. You will have a full tasty and YUMMY breakfast. It could be healthier by adding up stewed brocolli, thin sliced chicken or smoked beef.

Corn is one of easy ingredient to be made into anything. It can be made into corn bakwan, corn muffin, corn soup, corn sandwich with tuna, ice cream even juice. This simple recipe does not use accurate measure. It used Mamin's measure :P

Early morning breakfast of creamy corn plus a glass of milk will make u full :)

Hot/Spicy Creamy Corn

Ingredients :
3 cups frozen corn
chicken/smoked beef, sliced thinly
2 tsp sweet cream milk
10 gr salted butter
3 tbs grated cheese
chili sauce
water for boiling

Direction :
1. Boil corn along with chicken/smoked beef until cooked, throw away the water that's left. Put aside.
2. Boil broccoli until half cooked, and put aside.
3. Mix the hot corn with butter and cheese, so that it blend nicely with the corn.
4. Mix thin-sliced of chicken/smoked beef into the corn.
5. Spread with broccoli
6. Serve with chili sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Halo Aya, itu loh jagung pipilan yang dijual dalam bentuk frozen/beku di supermarket. Tinggal dipanasin aja.


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